The Best Workouts to Tone Your Stomach

Want to lose stubborn belly fat and tone your stomach? You’re not alone! But contrary to popular belief, targeting that area isn’t always the best approach.

To slim down and obtain more definition in your core, you must combine cardio, strength training, and core exercises. Here are some of the best workouts to help you get the results you want!

Russian Twist

The Russian Twist is a core-focused exercise that’s all about the obliques. It’s a challenging workout, but it can provide excellent results over time.

To do a Russian Twist:

  1. Sit tall on the floor and lift feet off the ground while bending the knees.
  2. Hold a medicine ball at chest height and hold your torso at a 45-degree angle.
  3. Turn your torso to one side and squeeze your muscles.
  4. Move to the other side and repeat!


Rowing is an exercise that combines the best of cardio and strength training. It burns calories while training your core, arms, shoulders, and legs.

Take a seat at a rowing machine and get a firm grip on the handle. Row for about 20 seconds. Then, take 10 seconds of rest and repeat. Do this for about four minutes to get a good workout.


Yoga is a great way to tone your entire body and warm up the muscles. Best of all, you can use space saving gym equipment. There’s no need to go to a gym or studio. You can do it all from home!

The possibilities are endless when it comes to positions. However, the best for blasting calories and toning the stomach include planks, chairs, and wheels.


Burpees are another workout you can do at home with space saving gym equipment. It includes explosive plyometric movement. As a result, the exercise gets your heart pumping to burn calories. Plus, it works your core, chest, triceps, lats, and more.

Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then lower your body and send the hips back.

Touch the floor with your hands on both sides of the body before sending your feet back. Put your body in a quasi-plank position with the chest touching the floor. Do a pushup, then move your feet back into a squat. To finish the burpee, leap into the air with your arms overhead.

It’s a complex exercise, but you’ll get the hang of it and feel the burn after a few tries

Toning Your Core

These are just a few exercises that can transform your belly. Give them a try and incorporate a few into your workout routine. You should see results in no time.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown writes about online fitness training. She advises people on home gym, online workouts & exercise. You can find her thoughts at home gym equipments blog.