Tips on How to Identify Early Signs of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is an often misunderstood mental disorder. The condition makes it difficult for people to distinguish between what’s real and what isn’t. There are many forms of schizophrenia, but they all can have serious ramifications on a person’s life.

While it’s chronic, schizophrenia tends to be episodic, giving people ample time to get help. But before they do that, you must learn to identify the early signs and take steps to help your loved one get therapy for schizophrenia. Here are five types of symptoms that could point to this condition.


Delusions are firmly held beliefs that clearly lack truth. People with schizophrenia can have illogical or strange ideas they refuse to let go of despite clear evidence of the contrary.

This symptom can appear in many forms. For example, a loved one might have delusions of grandeur or believe someone is out to get them.


Hallucinations often accompany paranoid schizophrenia. They include sounds, sights, and other sensations that only exist in a person’s mind. They are meaningful to the person experiencing them. But to everyone else, it’s a worrying sign that calls for therapy for schizophrenia.

Disorganized Speech

Schizophrenia often causes incoherent speech. The condition makes it difficult for people to concentrate, leading to repetitive speech patterns, rapid shifting between conversational topics, made-up words or phrases, and odd speaking styles.

Disorganized Behavior

Like disorganized speech, unpredictable behavior can occur due to schizophrenic episodes. It disrupts goal-oriented thinking, causing people to behave in strange ways. Loved ones can have unusual or inappropriate emotional responses, lack impulse control, and have difficulties managing everyday functions.

Negative Symptoms

The last symptoms include the absence of actions you typically see in healthy people. For example, a lack of emotional expression, enthusiasm, and interest in anything could point to schizophrenia.

Those are some of the most common signs of this mental condition. Diagnosing schizophrenia is a complex process. But the sooner you identify these signs and seek help for your loved one, the sooner they can take steps to improve.

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Alester Brown writes about physiotherapy. She advises people on health care, online therapy, anxiety discussion groups & depression message boards. You can find her thoughts at social anxiety blog.