When Should I Be Drinking Protein Powder?

So you’ve picked up some great vanilla whey protein powder. When should you drink it?

There are many great reasons to make protein powder part of your everyday routine. Whether you want to build muscle, lose weight or supplement your diet, these powders make it easy to get more protein into your system. But to maximize the benefits you experience, you need to be strategic about how you use these dietary supplements.

The right timing depends on your goals. Here’s what you need to know.

Workout Recovery

If you’re taking protein to boost your performance and speed up muscle recovery, it’s best to whip up a drink to consume during and after your workout. Combining protein with a carbohydrate source can help you push harder and experience more endurance as you exercise.

After physical activity, protein may also improve your body’s recovery process. It can reduce muscle soreness while contributing to your gains.


The best time to drink vanilla whey protein powder is up to two hours after your workout if your goal is to gain muscle. You might hear some fitness enthusiasts talking about the “anabolic window,” a short period after your workout when your body needs protein to maximize results.

However, studies show that consuming protein within two hours after exercising is ideal for building muscle mass. You have much longer than the 15 minutes some bodybuilders believe.

Weight Loss

When weight loss is your goal, protein can boost your metabolism levels and keep your appetite under control. The best time to drink protein is between full meals.

Protein reduces the hunger hormones and increases the appetite-reducing hormones. Therefore, consuming a protein drink whenever you feel hungry between meals can help you eat fewer calories later.

Maintaining Muscle Mass

People who want to use protein powder to avoid muscle loss should drink protein powder drinks during meals. When maintaining mass, the goal is to spread protein intake throughout the day.

Most people eat a good amount of protein during dinner. However, you might not get enough for low-protein meals, such as breakfast or lunch. Drinking supplement shakes with those meals helps you get plenty of protein throughout the day.

Author Resource:-

Alester Brown writes about healthier lifestyle products and tips.  She advises people about online weight loss programs, natural and organic health solutions. You can find her thoughts at weight loss supplements blog.