Mycorhhizal Relationships

making the ground ready for infrastructure.

So here’s the idea. It becomes valuable at some point to create an environment locally that will support the building of infrastructure.

Put another way, let’s say that and organization is a plant. And the soil is the context the organization exists within including the culture, the niche that is filled by the organization, the larger community, etc.

We are at some point interested in creating infrastructures for these organizations
(roots). However, there may or may not be a ground (soil) that will support the growth of these roots.

Enter fungus. Mycorhhizal fungus, exists in a symbiotic relationship with the plant roots. It creates an environment for the roots that they can easily grow in, that is nutrient rich, and that holds water better (thereby encouraging better and faster root growth) in exchange for carbohydrates.

This is just a metaphor, but I think an interesting one with respect to information technologies.
