On the Fault line: race, class, and the US patriot movement

Some folks have been informally talking about the ultra-right, anti-women, anti-people of color "Patriot movement". After attending that hearing the other night re: coal, i think it's very important that we try to understand these groups not as fringe groups, but as what they are: social movements feeding off of legitimate grievances but for the wrong ends. This article might help a little in our understanding of the Patriot Movement, and hopefully, how to combat it.
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Updated by angelo 2009-04-16

Goals of the American Patriot movement:


Bear in mind that the APM is a loose confederation. This isn’t anything official. But it is a quick look at the movement’s stance on “issues.”

Southern Poverty Law Center:


Monitors the activities of white supremacists, nativists, and “patriots.” You can subscribe to their “intelligence report” and get email updates about right extremist happenings around the U.S. Also, check out their Hate Groups Map to see how Michigan compares to other states (hint: we’ve got quite a bit of activity).