Daniel A. Bonevac

Trump-supporting professor at UT

Email: bonevac@austin.utexas.edu
Phone: 512-232-4333
Office: WAG 403
Classes taught (Spring 2018): Philosophy 375M Skepticism, T/TH 2-3:30 PM, WAG 210. Philosophy 361K Philosophy in Literature, T/TH 3:30-5 PM, CLA 1.102
Classes taught (Fall 2018): HDO 285 Organizational Ethics, Saturday 3:30-5:30 PM, SEA 4.244. Philosophy 302C Ethics and Enlightenment, M/W 12-1 PM WAG 302. UGS 303 Ideas of the Twentieth Century, MWF 3-4 PM Jester A121A.

Daniel A. Bonevac is a UT philosophy professor who supports Trump and publicly espouses reactionary beliefs. In October 2016, Bonevac was one of 146 scholars nationwide who jointly declared their support for Donald Trump as president in a public statement.

Bonevac is open about his traditionally conservative political views, which include patriarchal, imperialist, capitalist, and racist attitudes as well as a deep disdain for “the progressive worldview.” He claims to keep political bias out of the classroom, but we know this isn’t possible, and the oppressions he upholds will inevitably be perpetuated through his teaching. Anyone who believes a fascist like Trump would make a good president must be okay with, if not in support of, misogyny, racism, abuse, rape culture, ableism, and other oppressive behaviors and beliefs which directly harm UT students. The harmful views of reactionaries such as Bonevac on campus both enable and indirectly encourage violence against marginalized students, creating an unsafe university environment.

Administrative response: The university has not made any response or taken any action.