For WordPress users Backlink Redirect

this redirection plugin is the most popular choice without needing Apache or Ngnix knowledge. Plus it’s free to use. You can set up the redirect plugin on the old domain or new domain, depending on how you want to redirect backlinks. If links are being redirected from a URL on an old site to a URL on a new site, then install the plugin on the old domain. But if links are being redirected internally within the same website, then install the plugin on that domain.

Here’s a screenshot below showing the redirection set up from an old domain to a new domain. The “Source URL” only requires the forward-slash (/) followed by the page name. However, the “Target URL” must also include the domain and its protocol (http or https) because it’s on a different web server.

Now here’s a screenshot below showing an internal redirection setup on the same domain. Both the “Source URL” and “Target URL” only require the forward-slash (/) followed by the page name because they are located on the same web server.

Note: If you’re redirecting a web page that’s within a directory, then make sure to include the full directory path. For example, /directory/newpage.html.

.htaccess Redirects

If you’re comfortable editing the .htaccess file on your web server, then you can perform the redirection process without using a plugin. All you have to do is add a line of code to that file for each URL you want to redirect to a new web page.