1. Identify the Web Page with Backlinks
The first step for how to redirect backlinks is to identify the URL of the web page that has backlinks pointing to it. This URL can exist on your current domain or a separate domain you already own or purchased.
Once you know the URL path, you can then move on to step 2.
For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll use this example URL for the redirection source: example.com/oldpage.html
2. Choose the New Page to Redirect Backlinks To
The next step is to decide which URL on the new domain you want to redirect the old URL to along with its associated backlinks. This new URL can be the homepage, a specific web page, or a directory on the site.
For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll use this example URL for the destination (or target) of the redirection: example.com/newpage.html
3. Set Up the Redirect with .htaccess or a Plugin
There are two ways to redirect backlinks from an old domain to a new domain as well as internally within the same domain.
Use a redirection plugin.
Use the .htaccess file on the web server.
Redirect Plugin
The easiest method for setting up 301 redirects without editing files on your web server is to use a redirect plugin.