The Truman Show Essays: On Air, Unaware

According to the leading professionals from the website the Truman Show is a comedy-drama released in 1998, directed by Peter Weir and starring Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank. This is a story of a man who one day realizes that he is living an unreal life and everything around him, including his wife, parents, and friends is unreal. By the way, it was one of the first good opportunities for Jim Carrey to demonstrate his talent of a dramatic actor.

So, you have to prepare The Truman Show essay, but it seems that you do not know what to cover. You have even watched the movie once again, but still lack ideas to highlight in your The Truman Show essay.

Or, probably, the only idea that came to your mind was writing about reality shows or the way television is manipulating people’s minds. In fact, it is quite a good thing to talk about in your The Truman Show essay.

However, you want to know what else can be covered in The Truman Show essays, and we are glad to offer you several pointers for writing.

The Truman Show essays: religious analogies

Religious themes can be clearly noticed in the film, and it is one of the ways to complete your The Truman Show essay. Talk about Christof (a man who controls and manipulates Truman’s life) or Truman’s search for truth (something that millions of ordinary people try to find).

The Truman Show essays: parallels with Thomas More’s Utopia

Truman lives in a small community along with like-minded people who have a lot in common. Nobody knows some good ways to escape this small world.

The Truman Show essays: parallels with Hamlet

Just like Hamlet, Truman is a young man who has great potential and who is trying to answer one major question “Who am I?” But some people, even close ones, prevent him from finding the answer. Our tips for writing Hamlet essays might be rather helpful if you choose this option when making your The Truman Show essay.

Practice Essays: the Best Way to Improve Writing Skills

Are you unsatisfied with the grades on your essays? Each time when you receive an essay checked by your teacher, you see:

“Inappropriate structure”

“Word confusion”

“Wrong article”

and many other negative comments.

We suppose there is no need to explain you what it means. It means that your writing skills are poor and you have to work hard to improve them. Practice essay writing is one of the most effective ways to achieve better results. We also recommend you to read the article “Better Writing Through Correct Punctuation: Improper Comma Usage” – source.

We know that writing practice essays sounds a bit boring and even depressing for some of you. Still, it is a fact – only time and practice can help to improve your writing skills.

If this is what you want to achieve, let us explain you something about practice essays.

How to organize your essay practice?

Well, today there are a lot of web sites that help students. What it means is that they provide practice essay topics, some writing guidelines. You make your practice essay; professional writers check it and give feedback. They point out all flaws in your writing and give an advice on how to eliminate them.

It is a really convenient way to practice essay writing and get professional assistance. However, you can also practice essay writing without using specific web sites.

This is what you should do:

Prepare several pieces of paper for writing your practice essays;

Surf the Web to find practice essay topics. You may use any search engine and type in something like “topics for essays”. Choose a topic according to your grade level;

Read our article about a 5 paragraph essay, because you will have to use this structure in practice essays;

Keep in mind other important criteria of essay evaluation like content, grammar, and style.

Only then start writing!