Discuss Possible Change to Website Organization (Change Tab "Board" to "Members")


I was wondering others’ thoughts on changing the top tab of the website from “Board” to “Members”. The idea is that the information on that page is not board-centered, but member-centered. It’s a place where members can go to find information that applies to them, which includes the member-elected board and its processes. It also includes how to join the Member Forum and how to become a member. So again, really it’s more about Members than it is about the Board.

It’s minor, but it’s potentially major since it is one of the few tabs up top and people know to go to the Board tab for stuff.

What do others think of this?


I think it’s a good idea, Genelle! It puts the emphasis on members, which is where it should be! I’m very happy you are thinking about such things.

Thank you for sharing!


I am okay with the change as well.