Our Friends List

Climate Justice Collective groups:

Project and Campaign Groups

Fuel Poverty Action

A campaign group of the Climate Justice Collective linking fuel poverty and climate change

e: fuelpovertyaction at gmail.com

Local groups

Climate Justice Collective London

The London local organising group of the Climate Justice Collective.

e: london at climatecamp.org.uk

Manchester Climate Action

A direct action group within the UK anti-capitalist movement. Part of the Climate Justice Collective. We organise non-hierarchically and believe that tackling the root causes of climate change means tackling the political and economic systems which caused the mess in the first place.

e: manchester at climatecamp.org.uk

Thames Valley Climate Action

A collective taking and encouraging direct action across the Thames Valley to stop climate change.

e: tvca at riseup.net / oxford at climatecamp.org.uk

Other groups and organisations:


Activist Trauma Support

We are a bunch of anti-capitalist activists who have either experienced or been close to people who have been effected by PTSD or other forms of mental health issues. We are NOT experts about these issues (and if you are we would like to hear from you) but care deeply and want to help.

e: activist_trauma at riseup.net
t: +44 (0)7952 965 739 (mobile)


An umbrella movement which unites the national environmental organisations and the airport community groups opposed to the aggressive go-for-growth policy of aviation expansion outlined in the Aviation White Paper.

AirportWatch aims to oppose any expansion of aviation and airports likely to damage the human or natural environment, and to promote an aviation policy for the UK which is in full accordance with the principles of sustainable development.

e: info at airportwatch.org.uk
t: 020 7248 2227

Art Not Oil

For creativity, climate justice and an end to oil industry sponsorship of the arts.

e: info at artnotoil.org.uk
t: 07709 545 116

AT Cooperative (Activist Tat Collective)

Advice, training and resources to enable grassroots movements to put on successful events.


A cyclists’ collective that offers a range of activities to promote cycling and make the links with wider issues of environmental and social responsibility.

e: info at bicycology.org.uk


Works to raise awareness of the negative impacts of industrial biofuels and bioenergy on biodiversity, human rights, food sovereignty and climate change. Based in UK and US, we work with national and international partners to expose and oppose the social and environmental damages resulting from bioenergy-driven increased demand for industrial agriculture and forestry monocultures.

e: biofuelwatch at ymail.com

Campaign Against Climate Change

Brings people together to push for the urgent and resolute action we need to prevent the catastrophic destabilisation of global climate.

e: info at campaigncc.org
t: +44(0)207 833 9311 | Mobile: +44(0)790 331 6331

Climate Rush

Climate Rush is inspired by the Suffragettes. We’re a mixed crew but we agree on one thing: we need to take responsibility now to prepare for the future. The Suffragettes had a slogan: DEEDS NOT WORDS.

e: info at climaterush.co.uk

Coal Action Network

The Coal Action Network is formed of groups and individuals resisting coal mining and infrastructure in the UK.

e: info at coalaction.org.uk

Coal Action Scotland

A grassroots collective that organises non-hierarchically against the advancement of coal as an energy source. We believe that because the use of fossil fuels is inherently destructive, they have no place in our vision of a better world. We stand against social oppression and environmental destruction in all its forms, and as a result also call for an end to capitalism, patriarchy and racism.

e: contact at coalactionscotland.org.uk

Corporate Watch

Corporations have gained a power out of all proportion to their original purpose. We are a research group supporting the campaigns which are increasingly successful in forcing corporations to back down. Corporate Watch is part of the growing anti-corporate movement springing up around the world.

e: contact at corporatewatch.org
t: +44 (0)207 426 0005

Disabled People Against Cuts

DPAC is about disabled people and their allies. DPAC is UK based but we know that disabled people in other countries are suffering from austerity cuts and a lack of fundamental rights. We welcome all to join us in fighting for justice and human rights for all disabled people.

e: www.dpac.uk.net/contact

Earth First!

The general principles behind Earth First! are non-hierarchical organisation and the use of direct action to confront, stop and eventually reverse the forces that are responsible for the destruction of the Earth and its inhabitants. EF! is not a cohesive group or campaign, but a convenient banner for people who share similar philosophies to work under.

Frack Off

Campaigning against extraction of shale gas and other fossils fuels by hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.

e: info at frack-off.org

Frack Off Scotland

Part of a global campaign to halt fracking as well as other unconventional gas sources such as Coal Bed Methane and Underground Coal Gasification.
frackoffscotland at gmail.com

Green and Black Cross

An entirely independent grassroots project set up in the spirit of mutual aid and solidarity to support autonomous social struggles within the UK. It’s a new project set up in November 2010 to provide legal support for protests against the governements wave of massive spending cuts. The project takes inspiration from the Anarchist Black Cross and diverse skills and infrastructure built up over the last decade or so by elements of the environmental movement, such as The Camp for Climate Action.

e: GBC at riseup.net

Plane Stupid

A network of grassroots groups that take non violent direct action against aviation expansion.

e: info at planestupid.com
t: 07828 632136

Rhizome network

A co-op providing facilitation, mediation, consensus building and training to grassroots activists and communities across the UK, and to those organisations that support activism in all its forms.

e: rhizome at rhizome.coop
t: 0845 458 4776

Rising Tide UK

A grassroots network of independent groups and individuals committed to taking action and building a movement against climate change. We do not have a formal membership structure – anyone who supports the political statement on our website can become a part of the network. Rising Tide in the UK is part of the international Rising Tide Network.

e: info at risingtide.org.uk
t: 07708 794665

Seeds for Change

A non-profit training and support co-op helping people organise for action and positive social change.

e: lancaster at seedsforchange.org.uk / oxford at seedsforchange.org.uk
t: 0845 330 7583 or 01524 840028 / 01865 403 134

Stop New Nuclear

A campaign to stop new nuclear power stations

e: campaign at stopnewnuclear.org.uk

Stop Nuclear Power Network

A UK-based non-hierarchical grassroots network of groups and individuals campaigning and taking nonviolent action against nuclear power and its expansion and supporting sustainable alternatives.

e: network at stopnuclearpoweruk.net

UK Tar Sands Network

Campaigns in partnership with Indigenous communities affected by the Tar Sands oil developments in Canada. We target governments, UK companies, banks and investors operating in the Alberta Tar Sands.

e: info at no-tar-sands.org

UK Uncut

A grassroots movement taking action to highlight alternatives to the government’s spending cuts.

e: ukuncut at gmail.com


visionOntv aims for the widest possible distribution of video for social change.

e: info at visionon.tv
t: +44 (0)207 682 4336


Boycott EDF

A London-based group campaigning against the UK’s addiction to nuclear power.

Bristol Energy Cooperative

A community owned energy cooperative, growing Bristol’s local green energy supply and making the benefits of green energy open to all. Currently launching its first share offer.

e: info at bristolenergy.coop

Critical Mass London

There are probably as many aims of CM as there are participants. Each individual comes there with his or her own idea of what it’s about, and the sum of this makes up the Mass.

e: contact at criticalmasslondon.org.uk

Kick Nuclear

A London based grass-roots group campaigning against the UK’s addiction to nuclear power.

e: kicknuclear at kicknuclear.org

London Coalition Against Poverty

A coalition of groups which are based on the idea that through solidarity and direct action, ordinary people have the power to change our own lives.

e: lcap at lcap.org.uk
t: 07932 241 737

London Mining Network

An alliance of human rights, development and environmental groups. We pledge to expose the role of companies listed on the London Stock Exchange, London-based funders and the British Government in the promotion of unacceptable mining projects.

e: contact at londonminingnetwork.org
t: 07929 023 214

London Rising Tide

Takes creative action on the root causes of climate chaos, and promotes socially just, ecological alternatives to the fossil fuel madness that we’re living through. It’s part of the wider Rising Tide UK and international networks, and seeks to be part of a growing European and worldwide movement of groups working to dismantle the oil industry and live the future we want to see right now.

e: london at risingtide.org.uk
t: 07708 794 665

Occupy LSX: Energy, Equity and Environment Group

Environmental working group set up within the Occupy London movement.


Platform London

PLATFORM works across disciplines for social and ecological justice. It combines the transformatory power of art with the tangible goals of campaigning, the rigour of in-depth research with the vision to promote alternative futures.

e: info at platformlondon.org
t: +44 (0)20 7403 3738

Protect the Wilderness Centre Forest of Dean

We came here to hold this land in trust for the people of Gloucestershire and beyond with the intention of creating an environmental education centre to disclose a process of learning the skills and techniques required to move towards a home founded upon the principles of economic self sufficiency and ecological sustainability.

e: all at protectthewilderness.org.uk
t: 07811 726 372

Rising Tide Bristol

Part of Rising Tide UK

e: bristol at risingtide.org.uk

Save Leyton Marsh

We are a bunch of people with different ideas, beliefs and backgrounds. We came together for our important cause: We think our protected green space has been violated and we are working really hard to reverse the wrongful decision to grant planning permission to erect an unnecessary and disruptive Olympic venue in our land.

e: saveleytonmarsh at hotmail.co.uk

South West Against Nuclear

A group based in the South West and Wales formed to combat nuclear new build at Hinkley Point and Oldbury power stations. We focus on raising public awareness through campaigning on the streets and on taking direct action against the nuclear industry.

e: swanactive at gmail.com

Transition Heathrow

Building community resilience in the shadow of Europe’s busiest airport.

e: info at transitionheathrow.com
t: 07890 751 568


A volunteer-led, community-based, social enterprise, promoting vegan catering and supporting campaigns for humans, other animals and the environment since 1984. Based in Nottingham.

e: info at veggies.org.uk
t: 0115 960 8254 Lo-Call: 0845 458 9595 Mobile: 07870 861 837


Beehive Design Collective

Cross-pollinating the grassroots

e: pollinators at beehivecollective.org

Reclaim the Fields

A constellation of young people and collective projects willing to go back to the land and reassume the control over food production. We are determined to create alternatives to capitalism through cooperative, collective, autonomous, real needs oriented small scale production and initiatives, putting theory into practice and linking local practical action with global political struggles.

Rising Tide International Network

A grassroots network of independent groups and individuals committed to taking action and building a movement against climate change. We do not have a formal membership structure – anyone who supports the political statement on our website can become a part of the network.

Rossport Solidarity Camp

At the invitation of the local community, the Rossport Solidarity Camp was set up in June 2005 on the route of the proposed Shell pipeline. The camp is run on the principles of non-hierarchical organisation, collective decision making and individual accountability, with a disciplined work ethic. And it’s a dynamic and fun place to be. The Rossport Solidarity House & Camp provides a base for people who wish to visit the area and/or to stay and learn more about the community campaign called Shell to Sea.

e: rossportsolidaritycamp at gmail.com
t: +35 (0)3851 141 170


Network for Climate Action

This site is a bit dated, but still contains lots of useful resources.


If anyone objects to CJC promoting any of these groups on its website, please say so. Also, feel free to add to the Wiki other groups and organisations you think CJC should support.


p.s. please note, this page is publicly viewable at the moment.


jamesa wrote on Monday:

Nice one Dan, looks great! 2 comments:

1) Re: listing FOE and Greenpeace. Personally, I have no problem with the idea that CJC would support these groups. However, I anticipate that some people in our network might. And, I anticipate that FOE and GP might themselves not want themselves listed as ‘our friends’ as they probably have to be careful about who they associate with. I’d suggest just not listing big NGOs like this.

2) I’d suggest not bothering with subtitles like ‘aviation’ ‘climate’ ‘environment’ etc and just going with CJC groups; national; local; international as it would seem simpler to me.


Emily wrote on Monday:

Network for Climate Action is quite dated isn’t it? Maybe the resources and things are still useful, but I’m not sure that site has been updated since 2008. I could be wrong though.


I made some edits to implement jamesa’s suggestions, and (hopefully) tidy up the formatting.


Thanks, Ian. I feel strongly that the local groups ought to be categorised on a geographical basis, because I have in mind that we would massively expand this list over time and use the info to map out the various groups across the country as a useful networking resource. If we club all the local groups together now, this could soon get very messy!


That’s fair enough, but it might get a bit unweildy. Maybe it would be better to have seperate pages for regional groups, and just stick to national groups for the main list?


I’d be happy either way, as long as the info is easy for people to find on the website.


moonrabbit wrote on Tuesday:

“i have issues with some of these. climate network definately too old. rising tide should be international too. dunno about greenpeace, friends of the earth, climate alliance, campaign against climate change and climate rush as im not sure if i would say i ‘support’ them or not. also im a bit worried that the list as it is gives a certain impression of our political positioning, for me its a bit too much on the NGO side and not very much on the radical politics side. think maybe this needs a bit more discussion.

“and why is this page public? don’t think it should be.

“and nice one for putting it together whoever did!”


Dan V wrote on Wednesday:

“To moonrabbit: Can you give a bit more of an explanation about your objections / concerns about Climate Rush and Campaign Against Climate Change (CACC) in particular? The latter are on board with the Big Six Energy Bash, and we are due to work with them on biomass stuff, so it would seem a bit strange not to list them as one of our friends, IMO!

“I agree we could do with more discussion about this, but it would be good to get the ball rolling and at least list all the groups and orgs that people are generally okay with.

“I’ve added Rising Tide International Network to the list and removed the others people have expressed concerns about, but will leave in Climate Rush and CACC for now, pending further clarification on any objections/concerns.

“As for the page being made public, this was to avoid people having to wait for approval before being able to view the page, which might otherwise limit participation, given the fairly tight deadline by which to get this initial version agreed. Since someone has now expressed concern, I’ll take it off ‘public’ for now.”

- I’ve also taken this page off ‘public’ for now.


Ruth wrote on Wednesday (via CJC e-mail list):

“Re the “Our friends” section, couldn’t we just list some groups as “Climate Justice Collective groups” and after that have a section simply called “Links” or even “Useful links”, that would start with the website address of each group and then says a bit more about them (blurbs should be checked with each group if they haven’t originated with them)? This would mean we wouldn’t be fully endorsing or “supporting” other organisations and whatever they might do or say, and they wouldn’t be listed as supporting us, either, but the connection would still be there – very good to have this list, now. (I don’t even think we need to call the section “Our friends”)."


Point of info: Virtually all of the blurbs came off the respective groups’ websites. I think Frack Off was the only one that didn’t, as there was no concise blurb I could find on their website.


Art Not Oil added.


I agree with Ruth on this. I think that calling the page ‘our friends’ doesn’t quite make sense when talking about cjc groups – as these are largely ‘us’, right?! I’d suggest we call the page ‘action links’ – this also addresses issues around support. I think maybe we’re assuming too much if we suggest that all those involved in cjc – quite a diverse group, within bounds(!) – actively support all the groups listed.

I’ve also suggested a ‘get involved’ page (see comment under ‘about’). If this is set up, I think the details about other cjc groups should maybe go there??


@snailsquest: These all sound like good ideas to me.

I’ve re-instated ‘Network for Climate Action’ under a separate sub-section at the end, titled ‘Resources’.

Also added Rhizome network.


Nice one whoever put the content up on the website. Just a few points:

- Important: All the hyperlinks to the various groups’ websites are missing on the CJC webpage. To view the html with the hyperlinks, go to the “Edit” tab on this page.

- As suggested by others, it might be best to rename the webpage “Links” or similar rather than “Our Friends”

- Other suggestions people have made above can perhaps be incorporated in due course?

I’ll aim to keep updating this list of links as and when (and perhaps others can do likewise), so we can keep the page under constant review, adding new links and deleting obsolete ones, etc.

At some stage, it would be great to map out all the local groups around the country and enter them into an interactive map.


Shall we add UK Uncut as our friend? UK Uncut is a grassroots movement taking action to highlight alternatives to the government’s spending cuts www.ukuncut.org.uk


I’m not sure. I support UK Uncut, but so far we’ve only included groups and orgs that have an obvious link to climate- / eco-activism, or the work of CJC (or Climate Camp before it). If we start going beyond this, where do we draw the line? Do we open this up to include a whole load of groups working on issues that are not directly related, e.g. peace and anti-war; human rights; animal rights; anti-fascist; anarchist groups; other groups opposing cuts, privatisation or attacks on public services / public sector pensions; nationalist solidarity groups; etc??

But on the other hand, one of CJC’s agreed aims for 2012 is: “To participate in the anti-cuts and Occupy movements and make the case for climate justice.” Hmmm…. What do people think?


I think you answer it by stating that aim Dan! We should def add UK Uncut.

But/ and would it be possible for whoever is updating the site (still just Jamie?) to change the ‘our friends’ title to ‘links’ or ‘action links’? Plus insert hyperlinks on the list??


I’ve added the following supporters of the Big Six Energy Bash to this list: Disabled People Against Cuts, London Coalition Against Poverty, UK Uncut.


I’ve added Bristol Energy Coop which has expressed its support for the Big Six Energy Bash :-)