I wrote this script to ease the pain of setting up my operating system each time I format my drive and re-install my operating system.
Some of the tools I am installing you probably won’t need, remember this is a script I wrote to ease MY pain. Feel free to modify the script to fit your needs. I highly recommend leaving the security portion as I have automated the steps for installing the Bitmask client, a process that is difficult for new users.
You can copy and paste into a text file in your home folder and make it executable.
Open your the terminal and enter
chmod +x ./post.py
Then run it.
- Don’t forget to add bitmask to your start-up applications!
import subprocess
import os
# Run Updates & Upgrades
def Mackeral():
##Run initial updates
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get update', shell=True)
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get install gimp -y', shell=True)
## LibreOffice
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get install libreoffice -y', shell=True)
## Icedove
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get install icedove -y', shell=True)
## VLC
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get install vlc -y', shell=True)
## Geany
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get install geany -y', shell=True)
## Gparted
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get install gparted -y',shell=True)
## Unetbootin
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get install unetbootin -y', shell=True)
## Terminator
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get install terminator -y,', shell=True)
## Security
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get install gufw -y', shell=True)
## enable the firewall
subprocess.call('ufw enable', shell=True)
## Bitmask
## add repository to apt sources
with open('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/bitmask.list', 'w') as f:
f.write('deb http://deb.bitmask.net/debian wheezy main')
# get apt keys
subprocess.call('sudo wget -O- https://dl.bitmask.net/apt.key | apt-key add -', shell=True)
# get update
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get update', shell=True)
# install bitmask
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get install bitmask leap-keyring -y', shell=True)
## Keepassx
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get install keepassx -y', shell=True)
## Metadata Anonymization Tool
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get install mat -y', shell=True)
## Now run update
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get update', shell=True)
## And upgrade (but not dist-upgrade)
subprocess.call('sudo apt-get upgrade -y', shell=True)
## That's it!
print "That seeemed to have worked!"
def main():
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':