
Picareta. Doc sobre eco-ativistas nos EUA dos anos 90.

Streaming no site Crimethink (em inglês, sem legenda)

An eclectic mix of activists take a stand to protect an old growth forest from logging at Warner Creek in the Willamette National Forest of Oregon, blockading the logging road and repelling the State Police. Over months a community builds around the illegal blockade as it develops into the Cascadia Free State and similar actions spread across the region. Years after its release, Pickaxe has become a classic document of the potential for grassroots direct action to achieve victory against the forces of both government and big business. Lovingly crafted by the participants themselves, the film expertly presents every moment, from confrontation to celebration. 94 min.


É parecido com o “If a tree Falls”, só que foca na galera acampada na rodovia 2408 em Warner Creek, e é mais otimista :)
Apenas lembrando, esse doc saiu em 99, ou seja, Seattle virá logo em seguida (que é o tema de outro doc que tá no crimethink).