Test 1


Let me see…

Test 2
Test 3


at this time the page already existed.


I’ve modified the content a couple of minutes ago, but only one version has been recorded (the current one). I created this page a couple of months ago, but there’s no sign of the original version: it has disappeared from the list.


thanks for investigating this.

the intended effect is definitely for there to be 2 versions of this page.


53       # returns true if the last version was created recently by this same author.
54       def recent_edit_by?(author)
55         (user == author) && (updated_at + 30.minutes > Time.now) if updated_at
56       end

98         if recent_edit_by?(params[:user])
99           save_without_revision
100           find_version(version).update_attributes(:body => body, :body_html => body_html, :updated_at => Time.now)
101         else
102           user = params[:user]
103           save!
104         end

i’m not sure what is wrong, but i can make every save create a new version as a work-around.


I see… I don’t know ruby, but it looks like the problem lies somewhere in here:

(updated_at + 30.minutes > Time.now)

In fact, I checked the New Bugs page versions again and I noticed that you never get two consecutive versions by the same user. This probably means that the (user == author) condition works, and the problem arises after that (maybe updated_at is not initialized correctly?).


I’ve just noticed this bug has been fixed, great! thanks