Ccs Community Outreach

California Studies

Particularly encouraged are proposals for projects that include joint fundraising efforts by multiple campuses working in collaboration. “Multi-campus” research groups are defined as involving three or more UC campuses.

As the thematic title “California Cartographies” suggests, the UCCSC strives toward comprehensive critical mappings and re-mappings of California and its cultures. It is interested in California as a site of global intersections and circulations—culturally, economically, and politically. This research initiative supports projects invested in sustained, multidisciplinary, and differently situated notions of intersection, power, history, language, migration and movement. The UCCSC hopes to supplement a more traditional sense of California Studies by dealing squarely with questions of public pedagogy that address the antagonisms comprising what it means to be a “Californian.”

Projects should be thematically driven, exploding current theoretical lenses to create a prism that includes interests as diverse as nativism and the environment to prisons, industry and the military. To refocus the topic of California away from its common identifiers to its underlying layers of contradiction—labor, resources, scarcity, race, tourism, technology, recreation, suburbia, for example—would expand our understanding of California’s complex relationship(s) to the world at large. We are excited by the implications of such critical mappings for research, teaching, engaged learning, digital archives and resources. We also hope to identify and harvest projects that will contribute to a complex digital prism of virtual representation for California Studies in web-based form



Web Site curriculum focused on teaching critical CA studies, including course materials and skill building exercises, archive of course syllabi, team-teaching designs, service learning models.

Purpose is to link university and off campus communities.

Encourages ties to K-12 to improve articulation.

Proposals should engage with the field of CA Studies- alignment, tension or contestation

$7,500 max

1:2 cost sharing requirement


2008 grant recipient- Sharon Daniel’s multi media work

2 of 4 2008 recipients were Central Valley projects


Project Info:
*Abstract (200 word)
*Narrative (1000 word)

*Financial Services Officer
*2 pg CV for investigator(s)

*Amount Requested
*Itemized Budget
*Budget Justification
*Other Funding

*Letters of Suuport- at least one from a community org or k-12
*Appendix (publications, CVs of collaborators, etc)