What is ActionMailer?
It’s a framework for e-mail service, already integrated within rails!
What can it do?
- Send an e-mail to new users
- Send out forgotten passwords
- Send invoices for billing
- Anything that involves sending notifications to users via e-mail!
ActionMailers have:
mailer models- by creating methods inside the model, you can set certain variables which are used by the mail template (mailer views).
mailer views- these are .erb files with the same name as the method in your mailer model.
Getting Started¶
This tutorial will show how to create an e-mail notifier that automatically sends users links to new information posted in the database.
1. Generate a mailer model
script/generate mailer Notifier
This will create:
- app/views/notifier
- app/models/notifier.rb
- test/fixtures/notifier
- test/unit/postoffice_test.rb
2. Create a method for your mailer
You can create multiple e-mail models in this file. For this example we will create one called newgrants_notification.
These are the various configurations available for your method (from API)
- recipients – Takes one or more email addresses. These addresses are where your email will be delivered to. Sets the To: header.
- subject – The subject of your email. Sets the Subject: header.
- from – Who the email you are sending is from. Sets the From: header.
- cc – Takes one or more email addresses. These addresses will receive a carbon copy of your email. Sets the Cc: header.
- bcc – Takes one or more email address. These addresses will receive a blind carbon copy of your email. Sets the Bcc header.
- sent_on – The date on which the message was sent. If not set, the header wil be set by the delivery agent.
- content_type – Specify the content type of the message. Defaults to text/plain.
- headers – Specify additional headers to be set for the message, e.g. headers ‘X-Mail-Count’ => 107370.
codetitle. app/models/notifier.rb
class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
def newgrants_notification(user, grants)
recipients user.email
from "admin@grantitude.org"
subject "New grants added to grantitude.org"
body (:user => user, :grants => grants, :url_base => 'http://locathost:3000/grants/show')
In the body, we are creating variables that we can use in our template. In this example, we are specifying user, grants, and :url_base since this is all information that we are displaying in the e-mail.
3. Create an e-mail template
We need to create a mailer view that corresponds to the method that we made above. In this case, we need to create newgrants_notification.rhtml. It should be put in app/views/notifier/.
codetitle. app/views/notifier/newgrants_notification.erb
hello <%= @user.login %>,
These new grants have been added to the database:
<% @grants.each do |grant| %>
<%= "#{@url_base}/#{grant.id}" %>
<%= grant.title %>
<% end %>
The loop goes through each grant and puts a link to its web page.
4. Create a RunnerScript for automatically sending notifications
This allows you to run a command in the terminal that will send out the e-mails to the users designated.
Create a new mother folder called “bin”, creating “notify_daily” or whatever name you would like.
codetitle. bin/notify_daily.rb
@users = User.find :all, :conditions => ['wants_notification = ?', true]
@grants = Grant.find :all, :conditions => ['created_at > ?', 1.week.ago]
@users.each do |user|
Notifier.deliver_newgrants_notification (user, @grants)
puts 'sent to %s' % user.email
The following piece uses a column in users that designates whether or not users want an e-mail:
@users = User.find :all, :conditions => ['wants_notification = ?', true]
The following piece designates the conditions for the grants we want to use in the e-mail, in this case want grants created in the last week:
@grants = Grant.find :all, :conditions => ['created_at > ?', 1.week.ago]
5. Sending the e-mail notification
Running the following in your terminal calls on notify_daily.rb. It will put the e-mail addresses that it sent the message to.
script/runner bin/notify_daily.rb
- api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionMaile...
- wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/HowToS...
- railscasts.com/episodes/61
- http://www.jonathansng.com/ruby-on-rails/rails-send-email-tutorial/