Protocol 23. März 2012

(en:) Protocol of the Assembly of “Global Spring Vienna”. 23th March 2012 at 19:00 in Amerlinghaus.

Participants: 17 people (7 women and 10 men)

1) Introductory round
2) Working group reports
3) 30th March: Roles & To-do, Contents/Agenda, Info point, Information/Mobilization
4) Next Appointments
5) Evaluation

We agree that there is a moderator and that two people will take notes to write the minutes (protocol). We agree also in using English as the language of this meeting. There’s a explanation of the hand signs and on the decision making through consensus seeking. We agree on the agenda after the reorganization of it made by the facilitation working group previously to the assembly.

2) Working group reports
The facilitation group exposes that there will be need of moderators and other roles for the 30th March assembly.
The Info point group communicates that there will be no panels since they are not prepared to be exposed to the wind in the outside location. There are contents of the panels already existing that could anyway be still used. They are considering the use of chalk for making street paintings.

*3) Communication
There’s been the creation of a closed facebook group:
There’s an email address too:
And this group in

4) 30th March
Info point:
We need: a table, panels.
We should talk about how many people are going to be in the table of the info point.
A proposal for a flyer is already done. We discuss it later on.
We talk about the need of people to make the official announcement to the austrian authorities. We designate a group to make it on Monday. There will be needed two moderators, somebody to attend the turns making a talking list, people to take notes for the protocols, and somebody to be responsible of the visible agenda. We state our commitment to celebrate the assembly there that day. There is a group that commit themselves to gather the cardboard for making seats for the people. Some other people offer themselves for translation. There is about 150 € of budget for flyers and paint. We debate about the language in which should be held the assembly and we agree that our goal is to make it in German.
Regarding the contents it is suggested that the contributions should be in a proactive way, so that the thoughts and analyses that are shared should go together with action proposals. There’s also a claim to “listen to the people first”. There is the proposal of three specific points that are: “The consensus of Washington”, “The Millennium Development Goals”, and the “Rio+20 Summit”. We discuss about if the assembly should be more “structured and closed” or if it should be “open so everybody can bring their views”, or if is it possible a combination of both things.

There is a popping-up debate about the things that we do not tolerate, and there are attempts to reach an explicit agreement, that are not finally completely successful. This are two of the candidate paragraphs that are not finally agreed on:

“We stand for non-violent behaviour. We do not accept antisemitism, racism, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia or xenophobia. We promote respecting each other through our activities.”
“This assembly stands for an equal society that’s why we distance ourselves from cultural or religious discriminations and we do not accept racist, sexism, xenophobic, homophobic or islamophobic behaviour. We promote respect through our activities.”

We cannot agree on a definitive paragraph so we leave the debate open.

We agree that the assembly on 30th of march will consist on: “Introduction, some points of the agenda prepared (on the spirit of speech to action), and an open part of the agenda where people can propose to add.”

We debate about the flyer design, and propose some changes to it.

At 20:00 we will send a delegation of 4 people to the inside of the Untergang Art event where there will be a debate.

4) Next Appointments
There will be several working groups meetings before the assembly of 30th March. The appointment for the 30th is at 17:00 to begin the assembly, but we ask the organization people to be there at 16:00 so we can organize everything. The place is the corner of Museums Quartier with Mariahilfer Strasse.

5) Evaluation of this assembly
We all thank the moderator for the difficult task.