
How To Use New Pings In League Of Legends

No matter if you’re an amateur or a pro player in games that are competitive, communication with your teammates is essential for winning games. Like any other competitive game and this holds true for League of Legends as well. LoL demands you to create strategies and work with your teammates to beat your opponents. Not only is it crucial to communicate with your team members, but it’s also vital for warning your fellow teammates about any potential threats. And since many dangers are sudden, using “pings” within LoL is extremely useful and easy. There are a variety of pings in the game. Recently there were new pings added. We will be showing you how to use the new pings available in League of Legends. We’ll also help you to determine where and when they can be utilized. Let’s begin.

What are Pings in League Of Legends

Pings within LoL are warnings that can be sent out by players to relay details to their the other players. This information can be used to inform your teammates of important matters such as the location of an adversary champion, telling them that you’re retreating or if you are about joining in the battle. To not spoil the flow of the game as a player you can simply give this information to the opponent by “pinging” by a single click. You will not be able to complete an action if prefer to type. Whenever you are looking additional hints on ping test lol, check out the post right here.

Your teammates will not have to listen to the distinctive sounds of pings. The unique voice will help players to understand the ping you’re alerting them to. It is therefore important to be aware of the various pings in League of Legends.

Ping Types in Lol

Pings in League of Legends as one of two kinds of pings: regular pings that send out simple alerts and smart pings which deliver more intricate and detailed pings. It is possible to think of smart pings as new pings in the game as they were released not much while ago.

Regular Pings

Basic Ping: To use the basic ping, press CTRL or G, and then left-click. Although this ping does not tell you anything specific however, if you utilize correctly, your colleagues will be able to understand the message you’re alerting them about.

Caution Ping: To use the caution ping, simply press ALT or V and then left-click. While caution ping won’t give you a direction on what you should do, it may be used to notify your colleagues of the importance of something.

Do not forget that these pings can be used directly on the terrain or minimap. You can also ping places that aren’t in your angle. If you think your mid-laner could be at risk of being ganked for instance it is possible to ping your minimap to alert it.


These pings are more complicated and precise. They are useful because you can instantly notify your team of any threat or movement. Let’s not go over the pings too much. Instead, let’s take an in-depth look at each one of these smart (new!) pings one-by-one.


To enable new pings in LoL You first have to open the “smart menu for pings.” Once that is done, you can select the ping you wish to utilize. The menu is accessible by pressing CTRL/ALT/G V, Left-click.

Now, all you have to do is move your mouse over the ping you want to use. That’s it!

The menu does not contain “ward ping” because it cannot be utilized as a default. You can access the options menu via client or game. After that, you can utilize hotkeys to choose the "Communication section. You can then create the hotkey to allow you to utilize the warded-ping. The warded ping will indicate that you’d think the enemy has blocked the area of alerting.

Things To Keep In Mind

Once you’ve mastered how to use the latest pings league of legends, here is some suggestions for you on how to effectively use them:

Don’t abuse pings with your team. While you might be angry at your teammates If they feel this way the performance of their team will decrease dramatically. This could cause you to lose the game.

Use pings properly. If you tell pingers to say you’re on your way and then you do not show up, it could cause problems for your team. Your teammates may lose faith in you, as well.

If you’re not certain whether to ping something and you’re not sure if you have enough time, write the data instead. If time isn’t an issue, typing could be more efficient.

Also, make sure you use Pings frequently.

Your teammates will likely fall into traps if you see an enemy player in hiding and don’t ping “enemy missing”. Don’t forget to ping missing when the enemy in your lane vanishes, because he could be getting ready to kill the other players!