
The Top 5 Health Benefits Of Skiing And Snowboarding

Winter is the perfect time to do some heart-healthy exercise and shed those extra holiday pounds. The time to start taking action is now, there’s no reason to hibernate this season! Take the family out to the local Pennsylvania slopes for an intense workout in the great outdoors. It not only offers beautiful scenery and fun, but important health benefits too.

1. Burns Calories

Skiing and snowboarding are excellent aerobic exercises that can assist families to burn off serious calories and lose weight. The number of calories of calories burned in an hour is dependent on weight and proficiency, but according to Harvard Medical School, someone who weighs 185 pounds can burn 266 calories in 30 minutes of skiing downhill. By walking up the slope instead of taking the ski lift, beginners can burn more calories. Skiers who are more advanced will lose more calories when they walk up the slope. This is because their body has to exert more effort to maintain balance. The body must be more efficient in maintaining its temperature during colder conditions, which could result in an increase in calories. In case where you choose additional info on best snowboard resorts, browse around this site.

2. Strengthens Lower Body Muscles

This winter, bring your gym to the slopes. Skiing and snowboarding intensely targets the muscles in the lower part of the body. The body is naturally kept in a squat posture, which strengthens the quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves. The Snowboarding also strengthens muscles that may not be used as often like the feet and ankles, which help guide the board and keep balance.

3. Increases flexibility

The art of balancing and involving the muscles of the core and other key groups while snowboarding or skiing helps to make the body more flexible. It also helps to reduce injuries and strains. The sport of snowboarding is particularly a great way to increase flexibility as it requires the body to shift directions frequently and swiftly. Like any other sport, it is suggested that all families establish an exercise routine before their time at the ski slopes and afterwards to decrease the chance of injury.

4. Core muscles are engaged

Keeping the body upright when riding a snowboard or skis requires a lot of balance and a keen eye. It is not easy to stay steady on a slippery slope when you’re swerving down the slope. By having to constantly stay balanced, it forces the core muscles to work hard at engaging, which improves abdominal muscles and overall strength of the core.

5. Boosts the mood

Getting outdoors and exercising promotes the production of endorphins which creates feelings of relief and joy. Families also gain the added boost of vitamin D exposure from the sun, which is especially vital in winter when the days are shorter.


As you can observe, there are lots of reasons to try ski or snowboarding. They can bring many health benefits that can help to improve your overall health in numerous ways.

In addition, you can find many centers in the UK that can teach lessons and assist you in preparing for your ideal vacation to France or the Swiss Alps.

If you decide to ski or snowboard, you can be sure that the mental and physical advantages will be worth the time and effort. You can even say good-bye to the gym!