Coordinations for November 2011

Groups and activists on the ISM are currently coordinating the "Global Weeks of Action for Education" for November 07 - 20th.

Groups and activists on the ISM are currently coordinating the “Global Weeks of Action for Education” for November 07 – 20th.

The common framework for the GWA consists of the follwing 3 elements:

★ International Joint Statement (basis): – currently endorsed by about 80 groups worldwide

★ common slogans:
► “education is not for $A£€; one world – one struggle”
► “free education for emancipation; one world – one struggle”
► “for the social revolution; one world – one struggle”
► “education is not a commodity; one world – one struggle”
► “abolish student debt; one world – one struggle”

★ common symbols:

→ the slogans and symbols will help to visually communicate locally and globally that your action is linked to the GWA

further details are online here:


Hello there,

Think it is very difficult to synchronize the whole world into a Global Wave of Action, but I recognize that is a laudable goal.

As people here think strike is to remain stopped months, so here the strike in the education of higher education ended in late September of the last year 2012.

Here in Brazil I had already had contact with the following placed:
- “Education is not for $ A £ €, one world – one struggle”
- “free education for emancipation, one world – one struggle”
Mainly the latter:
- “Education is not a commodity, one world – one struggle”

I’ll share your other points and would like to add one point:
- Share education to network, means preparing the students to use the internet to communicate between them.

What is happening is some peoples using the internet to apply politician blows. Putting on the Facebook lies and the others of the student movement thinking that the internet is just to complain, and do not know the potential ignoring the methods of organization boycotting spaces without posting. These people, who think that the student movement is only physical meetings may, become vulnerable to other groups applying blows and contributing to not move at all.

To get out of the problem, we need to spread education to have more participation in the network to share the sources of the meetings and encourage them to involvement in the network as a way to build. That I’ve been trying to do.

Greetings from Brazil.