Steps to Improve Tracking Aim

To be a competitive FPS player, you need a variety of skills. One of the most important skills to have in your arsenal is the ability to aim efficiently and effectively. Once you have the basics of aiming down, you’ll be ready for more advanced techniques, such as tracking aim.

Here are some tips if you’re looking to improve your tracking aim.

What Is Tracking Aim?

First, let’s define what we mean by tracking aim. Tracking aim is when you have your reticles aimed at your target and you want to keep the crosshairs on them as you continue shooting. You need to be able to track and try to predict their movements so you can get as many shots off on them as possible. If you become extremely skilled at aim tracking, you’ll be a much more advanced player.

Your Gear

This is a simple fix, but it’s not always a cheap one. If you want to make sure you’re tracking aim well, evaluate your gear to see if it is up to snuff. This means you’ll want to make sure you have a good mouse, mouse pad and monitor that can keep up with high frame rates.

Your Settings

Next, you’ll want to look at your settings. Is your mouse sensitivity too high? If it is, you’re going to have a lot more trouble keeping the crosshairs on your opponent. Make sure you figure out what settings work best for you, so you’re not missing shots just because your settings are off.

Record Your Sessions

One of the best ways to improve your aim tracking is to record your gaming sessions and watch your mistakes. This way you can identify what bad habits you might have and you can work on eliminating them.

Use a Tracking Trainer

If you really want to get good fast, then you should consider using a tracking trainer. A tracking trainer will teach you how to hone your aim tracking skills and practice different scenarios. With a tracking trainer, you can become a much more competitive player in no time — especially compared with how much time it would take trying to train without one.

Author Resource:-

Jeson Clarke writes about games, digital training and FPS aim training. You can find his thoughts at FPS training platform blog. Get the best FPS accuracy training by visiting this website.