
Using A Timer To Increase Productivity

A timer is a great tool to boost productivity since it can help you concentrate for long enough to complete challenging tasks. This method has been a staple of my life since I was a child. I learned it from my mother.

The simple idea is to set the timer to a specific duration of time you must focus on a specific task and then get it done. When the timer is counting down, you should not be checking your emails or browsing the internet. Do not engage in conversations with colleagues or answering the phone. Just focus on the task in front of you.

It turns out there’s a name for this idea and it’s called The Pomodoro Technique. Developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s, it’s called Pomodoro because it calls for a kitchen timer that looks like a tomato. Pomodoro, which means tomato in Italian is more fascinating in comparison to The Tomato Technique. Whenever you choose a knockout post about timer, sneak a peek at this site.


The basic principle is to break up work into 25-minute chunks or Pomodoros which can’t be cut off. Set the timer and then focus as a laser beam. My opinion is that the most crucial aspect of this technique is the “no interruptions” part. You can modify your “pomodoro” shorter or even longer than 25 mins. Do what you like.

This type of focus can be beneficial for dozens of tasks. Write reports, reply to emails in batches , but not excessively long, go through complicated documents, make sales calls and so on. Anything that could benefit from a strong focus you rarely handle. This method is ideal for difficult tasks or those that you are prone to putting off.


Another way using a timer boosts productivity is to remind you to take breaks. Between each focus session, you should take a 1-3 minute break to get up from your chair and put your files away on your desk, check your To Do list, grab a drink of water, top off your coffee or stretch. During this time, don’t tax your brain. Every few hours, it’s a good idea to take a longer break. 5- 10 minutes, perhaps. Regular breaks and quick breaks are imperative to do the best job.

Use a Kitchen TIMER or PHONE TIMER?

For greater productivity, a kitchen timer is superior to an app on your smartphone. In the short period of time to find the app, you’ll be distracted by a different app. It’s incredible how quickly our attention span can change when a device is in our hand. Then it saps the efficiency of your work instead of increasing it.

It’s also useful when the ticking sound of your timer is heard. It’s crucial that the timer ticks indefinitely, as long as it’s not slowing down. You might be tempted to check the digital timer each now and again to ensure it is working. This is a tiny but a risk of losing concentration.