
Now we get to one of the coolest features of Ruby: iterators.

An iterator is a special kind of method. It is a method that lets you access items one at a time.

Arrays are not the only objects that have iterators, but the are one of the most important. Iterators are best seen through an example. Here we use Array#each:

friends = ["Melissa", "Jeff", "Ashley", "Rob"]  
friends.each do |friend|
  puts "I have a friend called " + friend 

This will produce:

I have a friend called Melissa  
I have a friend called Jeff
I have a friend called Ashley
I have a friend called Rob

The keen student might notice that this looks very similar to the first loop I showed you. The one with the form n.times do. This is, in fact, an iterator. And it lets you iterate over the integers from 0 to n-1:

4.times do |num|
  puts num

Which will produce:


The fact, that this starts counting at 0 might seem odd. But it actually matches arrays (which start counting at 0). Thus, the code:

friends = ["Melissa", "Jeff", "Ashley", "Rob"]  
friends.each do |friend|
  puts "I have a friend called " + friend 

Can also be written as:

friends = ["Melissa", "Jeff", "Ashley", "Rob"]  
4.times do |i|
  puts "I have a friend called " + friends[i]  
(In most cases, you should never use single letter variables. In this case, “i” is the standard variable name for “index” and is universally understood.)

Now, here is something cool: remember the Array#length method? Using length, we can remove the literal “4”:

friends.length.times do |i|
  puts "I have a friend called " + friends[i]

Now suppose that I don’t want to print all my friends. I just want to print every other friend. We can just print out the friends that correspond to even numbered indices. We can do this with the remainder (Integer#%) method.

friends.length.times do |i|
  # print only even indices (i.e. remainder of i / 2 is 0).
  if  i % 2 == 0
    puts "I have a friend called " + friends[i]

This produces:

I have a friend called Melissa  
I have a friend called Ashley

Now, say I want to print all my friends in alphabetical order:

friends.sort.each do |friend|
  puts "I have a friend called " + friend  

Which produces:

I have a friend called Ashley
I have a friend called Jeff
I have a friend called Melissa  
I have a friend called Rob


  1. Print all the contents of friends in reverse alphabetical order.
  2. Say I have the array:
    bc. names = "daniel", "eduardo", "alejandro", "enrique"
    Use String#capitalize to print these names capitalized.

My very own library


I am confused about what ”|withastringinit|” does. I understand what #friends.each do |friend|# does in the first example but I don’t understand how it does it. How does ruby know what |friend| is?


How does “i % 2” work? I don’t understand what each element of this is doing.


how do you sort in the reverse order?


Scott: I think ruby creates a temporary variable with the given name and copies the value of the current array element into it. Some testing revealed that changes to the |friend| (could be called buddy, pal, chopped_liver) variable did not change the original data.

>> friends.each do |buddy|  buddy += 'meister' ; puts buddy  end
=> ["Biff", "Buffy", "Xavier", "Zoe", "Ahnold"]
>> puts friends
=> nil