Inbound Marketing Series: 10 Underrated On-Page And Off-Page SEO Activities Explained With Examples

In the previous article, we have discussed What is SEO and How SEO can help in ranking your website on the top of the SERP. And in this article, we will be discussing in detail about On-page and Off-page activities with examples.

If you are looking to drive more traffic on your website and want to make your website more authentic then contact our SEO experts at SFWPexperts. We have SEO and Web Design experts that can make your website more engaging and will ensure that your website keeps up with the trend.

On-Page SEO

In general On-page optimization refers to optimization tactics carried out within a website to get higher search ranking and higher traffic. On-page SEO plays an important part in deciding the rank of a website. Search engine like Google, bing, yahoo, etc wants their users to get the best search result. And Google being one of the leading search engines, focuses on various optimization factors i.e. from optimizing HTML code to the meta title, description, tag, keyword, etc. Every year Google introduces a new algorithm to provide better search results and website editors have to optimize web page of their website to get higher search ranking.

Now you might be thinking, When should you do on-page SEO?

Every time you publish a blog or make any change in the website content you have to do the on-page optimization of your website.

On-Page SEO Activities:

Meta Tags- Title, Description and H1 tags

Meta title and meta descriptions help the user to understand the niche of your website. It will help a user in deciding whether your website is useful for him or not. A meta title should be between 65-70 characters and the description should be between 25-40 words. Keyword insertion will help you in optimizing your title and description. By looking at the picture you can figure out the difference between meta title and description. H1 Tag is the title and headline of a particular page. It helps Google and the user in identifying the purpose of the web page. In HTML coding there are 6 forms of heading tags H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6.

*Internal And External Links *

Internal links are links that take a user from one page to another page within a website. But external links are links that take the user from one website to another website. These links can be in the form of text, image or documents.

*Anchor text *

Anchor Text is a visible and clickable text in an HTML hyperlink. These types of text are displayed on the website and should be relevant to the page. There are three formats of anchor text.

a. Exact Match Anchor text

In simple words, an exact match anchor text has the same keyword used as an anchor text on the web page. For example, an SEO agency having the same keyword SEO agency as their anchor text.

b. Backlink Anchor Text

A backlink anchor text is a referring link created from another website. These types of links help search engines in determining the keyword a webpage should rank for.

c. Spammy Anchor Text.

From the term, you can figure out the spammy anchor text are the links that are not related or relevant to the page. These types of spammy anchor text are common in black hat SEO. Most of the time these types of practice are harmful to a website. Google penalizes and bans the websites that use black hat SEO to get search engine ranking.

Read More: Inbound Marketing Series: 10 Underrated On-Page And Off-Page SEO Activities Explained With Examples

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