
Each year, League of Legends teams around the globe strive for the same goal: to attend and maybe be victorious at the World Championship tournament. Although it started with a small number of players, the League of Legends World Championship has grown rapidly and is now among the most important esports tournaments in the year 2018. How did it come to the point it is now? The Esports Observer is here to dissect it.

What exactly is the World Championship?
Riot Games hosts a World Championship tournament each year during which professionals from League of Legends leagues from around the world have their teams compete for the Summoner’s cup which is the most lucrative prize offered. The tournament generally lasts more than a month each stage being held in a different locale. You should be an avid League of Legends enthusiast if you’re at all interested in what is the all-star LOL event. Visit our website for fruitful information about what is the all-star LOL event right now.

What is the best way to determine if a team is qualified?
Six of the so-called “major regions” are employed in professional League of Legends. They comprise North America, Europe and South Korea, China and the LMS (comprised of Taiwan and Hong Kong) Based on their performances in international tournaments every region gets three slots during the group stage. These slots are filled by the top teams from each region, with a total 12 teams automatically qualifying for the group stage.

Teams that are competing in the play-in stage fill the remaining four spots. Each of the 12 “minor regional” leagues will send one player to this stage. 4 additional slots are filled by teams from major regions that did not qualify for the groups. The addition of four teams comes following a round-robin as well as stage for group play, making 16 teams that will compete for the title.

How is the World Championship Structured
The League of Legends World Championship is split into two stages that is the group stage as well as the knockout stage. The 16 teams are split into four groups over the course of the five-week event. Each group participates in an a double round-robin. The knockout stage is determined by the top two scoring teams from each group. Find out more about what is the all-star LOL event at handleveled.net

It’s a normal bracket tournament. Following the group stage and the final eight teams compete in a series of knockout matches , which eventually culminates in a grand final in which the next World Champion is determined.

What are the Advantages of a Singular, Official World Championship?
League of Legends, unlike other esports, like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, utilizes an open tournament format with several major championships per calendar year. League of Legends, however, only has a single, developer-run championship.

Riot Games created its competitive multiplayer game with the aim of stabilizing an esport that was rapidly growing. It has worked so far. League is a basic form of competition that places the greatest emphasis on one particular event as is possible in contrast to other major Esports.

This means that the World Championship is now the most important tournament of the year for League of Legends players. The entire competitive season was designed to lead to this tournament. It’s a final, decisive finish that no other esport anywhere in the world has had the chance to rival. Some esports have annual championships, but the Riot’s commitment to revolving the entire competition scene around one event provides a clear arc to the season unlike anything else in the space.