Analyzing playground distribution & accessibility in NYC

Here’s another view of NYC… by quality & availability of playgrounds!

The map does not coordinate this information with other useful economic or demographic information (like average income level, renters vs. owners, race, etc.) I’d like to see antisocial crime rates laid over this map, as its creators quote Roosevelt calling the streets “schools of crime” for children forced to play in them by an absence of wholesome alternatives.


I like the concept of this map and would also like to see it correlated to the above noted useful information. I caught a piece of a news story on TV last year that discussed how the building of the new Yankee Stadium destroyed a very old park in a low income neighborhood. There was something about how they relocated the soccer field to the top of a parking garage. I’ll see if I can dig that video clip up.

Also: The link posted doesn’t work if you click on it: it took me to a page asking me to edit a new wiki page.