IEE proposal 2011, Part B version 23/03/2011

Part B – Detailed description of the action
Call for Proposals 2011
Call identifier: CIP-IEE-2011

Full title of the action: Foster social acceptance by stakeholder engagement
Action Acronym: REScoop 20-20-20

Co-ordinator (organisation, address)
Ecopower cvba
Molenstraat 2
3110 Rotselaar

Promotion / Dissemination Projects:

This form is not applicable for proposals under the Building Workforce Training and Qualification Initiative CIP-IEE-PROMO-BWI. Please use the separate EPSS submission scheme, guide and application form.

Table of contents:

1. Summary 4
2. Composition and Rationale for the Consortium 6
3. Overview of the Starting Point of the Proposed Action 7
4. Objectives and Impacts 7
5. Target Groups and Key Actors / Letters of Support 10
6. EU Added Value 12
7. Work Programme 12
7.1 Introduction to the Work Programme (max. 2 pages) 12
7.2 Work Packages 13
7.3 Overview of Deliverables 15
8. Co-financing Sources 17
9. Description of Each Participant 17
9.1 Description of the organisation and the key personnel 17
9.2 List of most relevant actions 18

Read me first:

• Use the instructions and guidance in the Guide for Proposers!
• Follow closely the structure for Part B (headlines, tables etc.) given in the application form. The forms are designed to correspond to the evaluation criteria which will be applied.
• Remember to keep to maximum page lengths where these are specified. It is in your interest to keep your text concise.
• Please bear in mind that your proposal should be self-explanatory and easy to understand. Its assessment will be based on your descriptions, not taking into account any information elsewhere (e.g. on websites etc.).
• Ensure that you and all your participants have read closely the Call for proposals 2011 and this Guide for Proposers.
• Ensure that information in all three parts of the application (A, B and C) is consistent.
• Maximise your chances: edit your proposal tightly, strengthen or eliminate weak points. Put yourself in the position of an evaluator who only has a few hours to assess each proposal. Remind yourself again of the selection and award criteria given in the Call for Proposals. Arrange for your draft to be reviewed by experienced colleagues; use their advice to improve it before submission.
• Use a clear format and a font of minimum 11pt.
NOTE: before uploading this Part B in EPSS, you must save the file with the name “IEE-11-ACRONYM”. The acronym part of the file name can only contain Latin letters (a-z), digits (0-9), the underscore (_), the dash (-) and the dot (.) character. It cannot contain any special characters or spaces.

Only for proposals submitted under the Integrated Initiative “Mobilising local energy investment”: some sections of Part B have specific requirements. Please read first the instructions provided in Section VI of the Guide for Proposers.
1. Summary
→ Please follow the instructions of the Guide for Proposers
→ This section should be a maximum of 1.5 pages

The REScoop 20-20-20 project fosters social acceptance of RES-e generation by stakeholder engagement, from the very beginning of such projects to the exploitation. By minimising delays in authorisations and at the same time providing (local) financing for the RES projects the cooperative approach has proved to be very effective locally all over Europe in the past decades. Now when disseminated actively it will help significantly to achieve the EU 2020 commitments. Essential in this full-participative approach is the dissemination of high-quality, objective and relevant information , not only on environmental and urbanism impacts, but also on the socio-economic potential for citizens, local authorities and the local economy.
Cooperative RES projects entail the full participation of citizens as shareholders of new RES generators, mainly structured in the form of cooperative projects. In many cases citizens/shareholders become as well producer as consumer of the renewable energy: they become ‘prosumers’, thus improving the awareness to energy efficiency. Very often local authorities are actively involved in these projects and may become shareholder next to the interested citizen.
In various EU countries this approach to increase social acceptance has been successful not only in speeding up the development of local RES projects and in generating added value for local community but also in stimulating household energy efficiency.
The project is run by a recently founded European federation of associations and cooperatives of citizens, who together have a large experience in supporting the development of hundreds of citizens RES projects. These organisations intend to facilitate jointly the diffusion of their approach and, more precisely the specific objectives are:
1. to speed up the creation of new RES projects and related cooperatives in various Member States.
2. to mainstream citizen RES projects by strengthening the European federation and by establishing an investment instrument able to support local projects.
The project is articulated in 8 work packages:
• WP1. Management
• WP2. Inventory and best practices of citizen RES projects
• WP3. Defining different models of citizens RES projects /network of universities
• WP4. Development of investment schemes (to support citizens RES projects)
• WP5. Model test and refinement (4 cases in countries/regions which are behind: Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy???)
• WP6. Reinforce the European Federation of Citizens for Renewable Energy:
• WP7. Communication
• WP8. EACI dissemination activities

(a) Major outputs & expected results
With regard to objective 1, the main outcomes are
• Mapping of the cooperative projects in EU (at least 400, probably more than 1000)
• Map of best practices
• Analysis of legal context/constraint helping or hindering citizen RES projects
• An improved business model starting from ENSRC-IEE and RES-coops experiences
• Model test in 13 selected communities and in 8 different countries (including 13 visits to existing RES projects)
• Community engagement and capacity building through stakeholders assessment (15 interviews with local leaders for each project) and 2 conferences for each project
• Technical, managerial and financial advice delivered on site
• Guidelines for implementing the model for citizens RES in the EU
With regard to objective 1, in quantitative terms, the project team aims at:
• Involving at least 1300 individuals joining new RES projects as shareholders
• Attract commitments for 100 mil € for new projects.
• Testing the model in 13 new initiatives and will be illustrated and discussed with more than 50 existing cooperatives engaged in supporting and twinning other initiatives in the pipeline

With regard to objective 2, the main outcomes are
• Assessment of fiscal and regulatory policies in different regions/countries (document + recommendation to EU commission) helping or hindering citizen RES projects
• Strenghening EU federation that supports the diffusion of citizen RES projects EU wide
• Multilingual website + portal – Web based learning platform, newsletter
• Assessment of financial market failures and national or EU investment schemes for citizens RES projects
• Communication and press campaign in 8 Member States and one at the European level

With regard to objective 2, in quantitative terms, the project team aims at:
• Map and establish communication with at least 300 existing projects
• Create a network of at least 50 mentors
• Increase membership of the federation from 20 founders to more than 60 involving over 300 existin, g RES projects and representing indirectly approximately 50.000 individuals
• Develop an investment instrument for citizen RES projects.
• Information and educational material

2. Composition and Rationale for the Consortium
→ Please follow the instructions of the Guide for Proposers
→ Award criterion 4 and 5 / This section should be a maximum of 2 pages – including the table

(a) List of Participants:
Part. N° Participant name Short name Country code Profile of the organisation Main role in the Consortium

(b) Rationale for the composition of the consortium:

3. Overview of the Starting Point of the Proposed Action
→ Please follow the instructions of the Guide for Proposers
→ Award criterion 1 / This section should be a maximum of 5 pages

(a) Common important user needs and market barriers

(b) Current situation in the target countries/regions:

© Link to relevant actions beyond the target countries/regions:

4. Objectives and Impacts
→ Please follow the instructions of the Guide for Proposers
→ Award criteria 1 and 3 / This section should be a maximum of 2 pages – excluding the tables

(a) Your specific objectives (during the action):

(b) Your strategic objectives (for the longer term – to 2020):

© Overview tables of outcomes and impacts

• Specific Objectives, Key Outputs and Outcomes within the duration of the action:

Specific Objective(s) of your proposal Key Outputs (products and services) including their quantification where appropriate Work package(s) Outcomes (with quantified SMART performance indicators) Means of monitoring
1.    
2.    
3.    
4.    

• Strategic Objectives and Long-term outcomes beyond the duration of the action until 2020:

Strategic Objective(s) of your proposal Expected outcomes by 2020
1. 
2. 
3. 
4. 

IEE Common performance indicators:

Specific and strategic objective Target within the action duration : Target by 2020:

Contribution to the EU 2020 targets on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources  xxx Cumulative investment made by European stakeholders in sustainable energy  xxx Cumulative investment made by European stakeholders in sustainable energy
 xxx Renewable Energy production triggered (toe/year)  xxx Renewable Energy production triggered (toe/year)
 xxx Primary energy savings compared to projections (toe/year)  xxx Primary energy savings compared to projections (toe/year)
 xxx Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (t CO2e/year)  xxx Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (t CO2e/year)

A concise, yet robust, explanation of the baseline, benchmarks and assumptions for the extrapolation are given below:
→ Please follow the instructions of the Guide for Proposers

5. Target Groups and Key Actors / Letters of Support
→ Please follow the instructions of the Guide for Proposers
→ Award criteria 1, 2 and 5 / This section should be a maximum of 2 pages – including the table

(a) Target Group(s):

(b) Key Actors:

© Letters of support:

Overview Table: Engagement of Target Groups and Key Actors

(a) Target Group(s) How will the target group(s) benefit from this action? Key task(s) number from your work programme Name of organisation(s) providing a Letter of Support
 Name of the organisation (country)
 ….
(b) Key Actor(s) How will the key actor(s) contribute to this action? Key task(s) number from your work programme Name of organisation(s) providing a Letter of Support

 ….

6. EU Added Value
→ Please follow the instructions of the Guide for Proposers
→ Award criterion 4 / This section should be a maximum of 2 pages.

(a) Evidence of the benefit of EU collaboration:

(b) Geographical focus:

© Transferability:

7. Work Programme
→ Please follow the instructions of the Guide for Proposers
→ Mainly Award criterion 2 but also touching all other criteria

7.1 Introduction to the Work Programme (max. 2 pages)
(a) Rationale and structure of your work programme:

(b) Flow chart of your work programme:

7.2 Work Packages
7.2.1 Work Package 1

N° of work package: X Please give a fitting name to your Work Package and use the same name in Part C
Duration in months: X Partner of your consortium which will be leading this work package

I. Description of the work:
a) Overview of the Work package:

b) Description of the tasks:



IIa. Outputs of this work package (apart from deliverables):

IIb. Deliverable of this work package:

III. Distribution of tasks of each partner in this work package (Award criterion 5):
Partner Task(s) for this partner organisation Related to Task N°

Major other specific costs:
List major other specific cost – if any - by task and describe them shortly
Major subcontracts:
List major subcontracts and shortly describe the tasks covered
Mandatory phrase to keep: The subcontractors identified / to be identified were / will be selected following the provisions of Article II.9 of the Grant Agreement on competitive grounds on the basis of best value for money.
______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

7.2.2. Work Package 2
7.2.n-1. Work Package n-1: Communication

7.2.n. Work Package n: EACI Dissemination Activities

N° of work package: EACI dissemination activities
Duration in months: = Duration of the action Participating organisation which will be leading this work package
I. Description of the work:
a) Overview of the work package:
The work package covers resources to contribute, upon request by the EACI, to common dissemination activities to increase synergies between, and the visibility of IEE-supported actions.
b) Tasks
1. Contribution, upon request by the EACI, to the development of information material (Intelligent Energy News Review, videos, images etc.), as well as inputs to European portals and databases in the quality and form specified.
2. Participation and/or contribution, upon request by the EACI, to information, training and dissemination events such as contractors’ workshops, conferences, briefing days, exhibitions, etc) related to IEE or other relevant EU programmes.
3. Delivery, upon request by the EACI, of an update/further input of the action’s contribution to the IEE Common performance indicators"
II.a. Outputs of this work package:
 Delivery of agreed presentation materials and media tools
 Participation in events, such as contractor’s workshops, conferences etc.
II.b. Deliverable(s) of this work package:
 To be agreed specifically at the time of the request.
 Set of updated IEE Common Performance indicators including their baseline and assumptions for extrapolation
III. Role and contribution (tasks) of each partner in this work package (Award criterion 5):
For this work package, typically, the Coordinator is in charge. Where appropriate, 1-2 key partners are contributing. A short table such as the one illustrated below is recommended.

Partner Task(s) of this partner organisation Related to Task N°

7.3 Overview of Deliverables

Work Package Deliverable N° Deliverable name a) Type of deliverable b) Format c Language(s) d) Target group e) Lead participant f) Dissemi-
nation level g) Month of completion h)
WP1 D1.1
|D1.n|Publishable Result-Oriented Report i)|||||||
WP2 D2.1

a) Please use the same deliverable name as indicated in the work package descriptions in section 7.2. of your work programme. The deliverable name should be self-explanatory.
b) The type of deliverable could be: a publication (flyer/brochure/working paper/paper/article/press release/slides/Cd-rom), website/webtool, etc.
c) The format could be: printed and/or electronic (downloadable), the approx. number of pages / number to be printed of a publication.
d) Please specify each language in which the deliverable will be available – indicating ‘all’ or ‘national’ is not sufficient.
e) Please indicate the specific target group for each deliverable. The target groups indicated should be consistent with section 5 of your work programme. Indicating ‘all’ is not sufficient.
f) Name the participant of your consortium who will lead the preparation of the deliverable.
g) Please indicate the dissemination level using one of the following codes:
PU = Public, to be freely disseminated, e.g. via the website of the action
CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium including the Commission/EACI Services (mainly for internal working documents and only in exceptional cases for results)
h) Month in which the deliverables will be actually completed. Month 1 marks the start of the action, and all deadlines should be relative to this starting date.
i) Each IEE action must produce a (Final) Publishable Result-Oriented Report. Its form and shape can vary depending on the nature of the action. It must be delivered to the EACI with the Final Report.

7.4. Schedule of activities
(Template for a 30-month action – Please adapt as appropriate)

Phase / Duration of the action (in months) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Work package 1: Management
Work package 2: Name
Work package 2: Task 2.1.
Work package 2 – Task2.2.
Work package 3 – Name
Work package 3: Task 3.1.
Work package 4: Name
Work package 4: Task 4.1.
Work package n-1: Communication
Work package n: EACI Dissemination Activities
Project meetings a) x x x x x x
Project reports to EACI b) PR IR FRc
Project Information Sheet & Slides to EACI X X X X
Project Webpage/site creation and update X
Project deliverables d) D1.1
etc. D3.1

a) It is recommended to hold consortium meetings about every 6 months. A kick-off meeting should take place in the first 1-2 month(s). A final meeting should be foreseen to present the results to the EACI.
b) According to the model Grant Agreement the minimum number of reports to EACI:
 1-2 Progress reports (PR; the number of progress reports depends on the duration of the action).
 1 Interim report (IR – technical and financial),
 1 Final report (FR – technical and financial) at the end of the action, including a final Publishable Result-Oriented Report.
Please be aware that submission deadlines for the three types of reports have to be indicated in this time schedule, whereas the period covered is fixed in the grant agreement (PR/IR within 1 month after the end of the period, FR at the latest 2 months after the end of the period). The submission deadline of the interim report is to be proposed by the contractors, bearing in mind that it should represent a substantial advancement of the works performed. It is recommended to set the end of the interim period when about 50-60% of the works will have been accomplished.
Examples of submission deadlines (depending on the duration of the action):
24-months-action month: PR: 7; IR: 14 / 30-months-action month: PR: 10; IR: 19 / 36-months-action month: PR: 10, 28; IR: 19

c) The Final Report will be due at the latest 2 months after the end of the action (in this 30 month example: at the end of month 32). Only costs related to the preparation of the Final Report and to an audit certificate (where applicable) are eligible during these 2 months. Note: the Final Report can of course be submitted immediately at the end of the action.
d) Please ensure that the deadlines indicated in the List of Deliverables and the Schedule are consistent.

8. Co-financing Sources
→ Please follow the instructions of the Guide for Proposers
→ Award criterion 5

Participant Co-financing source Comments/justifications

9. Description of Each Participant
→ Please follow the instructions of the Guide for Proposers
→ Selection criteria and Award criterion 5

9.1 Description of the organisation and the key personnel
(a) Description of the organisation
→ A maximum of a ½ page per organisation

(b) Relevant experience of the key personnel proposed to work on this action

Name : First Name: Nationality:
Staff category*:
Short description of work experience, relevant to the proposal**:
: e.g. Senior expert, Expert, Junior Expert / *: 1 paragraph per person

9.2 List of most relevant actions

(not more than 5 items per organisation) National or local/regional or European Year of finalisation Budget involved for your organisation Website

  • * *

[ → For proposals submitted under the Integrated Initiative "Mobilising Local