archive of the original documents for Bulletin #9

Here we can store the articles, drawings etc. Everything that is send to be added in Bulletin #9 (check the attachments part on left side of the page). Please note down on the page: the title; the author/sender of the article & email!; how many pages; and in which language it is written. This gives us less work later ;)

Please when you add a document in the attachments, note down here:

  • the title; the author/sender of the article or/& email address; how many pages; and in which language it is written.

This gives us less work later ;)

Lets put images and drawings for the bulletin 9 :
when they are linked with articles, please give images their article’s name ( with a number, if many) !


Notes from the Meeting in Nikitsch

  • Actas RtF Assamly Friday 14.2.14-2.odt; AUTHOR?;3 pages;EN
  • Minutes RTF assemblea saturday morning-1.odt; ; 4 1/2 pages;EN
  • SA, 15.01.Deutsch-1.odt; AUTHOR?; 3 1/2 pages DE
  • Evaluation of the meeting in Nikitsch. Sunday, January 16th. English, some parts still in German. 3 pages. by karlalieblich.
  • Auswertung des Treffens in Nikitsch. Sonntag, der 16. Januar. German. 3 1/2 pages. by karlalieblich.
  • Nikitsch political objective small group, thursday 13 febr.;; English; 1page.

who make something from all these feedbacks before to translate the final version in all language and send it ?


*5 pictures for the article " kuwe" *
kuwe-maniffaucheurogmbelgiquejuin20 14.jpg : kuwe against gmo potatoes in belgium (june 2014)
kuwe-forumeuropeensouverainetealime ntaire.jpg : kuwe during the food sovereignty forum in Austria
kuwe-manifdijon.png : call for demo in Dijon, inspirated by MST and kuwe …


6 pictures for “news from RTF scotland”


3 pictures for “news from RTF UK”


1 Picture for “Feedback from the european assambly in Nikitsch”
1 Picture for the Solila article


2 Pictures (Reclaim the fields black&white) as a proposal for the front page


hey. the picture for “Feedback from the european assembly in Nikitsch” is it the: “stars, local networks, etc.” file?


yes, it is!