12_bulletin content archive

This page is for a overview of the texts we have & in which language.

Translation: When u start with translating a text, please not it in the table —> write the translators contact & also “work in process” in the column of the language you’re translating. When you are finished, add the text and put the title of the translated text in the table & hyperlink it if possible.

Add text: if you translated a text or add a text…please note it in this table (add the title) and upload the text in the proper archive (texts written in English – into the English archive, written in French in the French archive etc.)

Each text is hyperlinked – that means if you click at it, the text will appear (or at least the place where you can find it).
If you add some texts, please hyperlink them too…it`s easy: go to edit, add the information about the text and then mark the title of the article and press the third button from left (looks like a chain)..you add the link address…and you`r done…voilâ

if you have any difficulties or question you can contact me: lindenbluete@riseup.net

Title writer’s contact number of pages originally written in ready to translate available in EN available in FR av. in DE
notes assembly 2017 bulletin group 20 EN-FR-DE ok ok ok
Effective Micro organisms bulletin group 2 EN ok ok ok
Mushroom workshop bulletin group 3 EN ok ok ok ok
Le groupe LUPIN info-gmo@riseup.net 1 1/4 FR ok ok ok
ecotopia biketour lukaese@riseup.net 1/4 EN/FR/DE ok ok ok
lisez rhizome info-gmo@riseup.net 1 sentence FR ok ok ok
GMO Solidarity info-gmo@riseup.net 2 DE - ok ok ok
Sur les tracteurs contre TTIP, Monsanto, Bayer et la fracturation hydraulique dans le lac de Constance suedfrau@riseup.net 1/4 FR/DE/EN - ok ok ok
RtF international suedfrau@riseup.net 1/5 FR/EN/DE - ok ok ok
Solidaritätsaktionen für Ernährungssouveränitätsnetzwerk in Syrien suedfrau@riseup.net 1,5 DE ok ok ok ok
Some news from the intergalactic caravan percolitho@riseup.net 2 EN ok ok ok ok
Bulletin 2017 reviewed @riseup.net 32 DE/EN/FR ok