Where can I rent books for a semester or year?

Hi everyone!!! I just started college and have already started to notice that books for studying are very expensive. Does anyone know any good sites or services where I can rent books for a semester or year? Any information would be appreciated!

Congratulations on your enrollment! Renting textbooks can really save you a lot of money. I would recommend checking out the BooksRun website. It’s a great resource to rent college books . The site has a huge selection of textbooks for a wide variety of disciplines. Whether you’re a humanities student or an engineering major, you’re sure to find the books you need. The rental terms are also very convenient. You can choose the rental period that suits you, whether it’s one semester or an entire academic year. This allows you to be flexible with your spending and not overpay for extra time. The site also has a section with used books if you suddenly decide to buy a book.


Yes, I have had the experience of renting books and I can say that it is quite convenient, especially if you are a frequent reader and prefer not to accumulate a large number of books at home. There are several services that offer book rentals on different subscription models or piece by piece. This allows you to save money and try different books without having to buy them.