How Educational Technology Specialists Prepare 21st Century Students For A Digital World

Are you interested in utilizing the latest technology in audio, video, and computer science? Do you love working with computers and technology-based teaching tools?Do you like to use useful applications for smartphones such as fax app for iphone? Find out how educational technology specialists prepare 21st-century students for a digital world.

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, “more Americans are going online to conduct such day-to-day activities as education, business transactions, personal correspondence, research and information-gathering, and job searches. Each year, being digitally connected becomes ever more critical to economic and educational advancement and community participation.” In light of this trend, when reshaping the education system trained professionals should influence how schools can evolve in the 21st century. How can we help schools adapt to these changes in the society so our children can be prepared? Educators and administrators will need the best possible preparation going forward.

Impact The Evolution Of Education With An Educational Technology Degree
An educational technology degree can pave the way for jobs in the government, corporate world, non-profit sector, as well as institutes of higher education. Numerous online degree programs exist for anyone wishing to study for an educational technology degree.
Educational technology is more than working with computers and technology-based teaching tools. Educational technology careers involve the use of technology, and its range of instructional applications, to develop tools designed to maximize the effectiveness of the teaching process while enhancing the learning experience.
Training in education technology is also useful for people who want to work in the corporate world, government agencies, the non-profit sector, and healthcare. Consider the implications of rapidly advancing technology on curriculum design and corporate training and development programs. Pharmaceutical companies, medical centers, and hospitals must constantly keep their personnel current on the latest developments in the healthcare industry and individuals trained in education technology will utilize the latest technology in audio, video, and computer science to fill that need.
Online education from elementary to the Ph.D. level is now available. E-learning and distance learning are also growing trends. Research institutes and facilities also depend heavily upon educational technology to help devise grant applications that fund important research. All of these fields require the kind of skills you can develop with an educational technology degree.

How to Get Started
There is no special certification necessary for educational technology specialists unless they wish to teach, in which case licensure is granted by the state. You can pursue an education at traditional schools or in an online program. A great first step is using a career resource site to explore different schools and programs. Try to find a comprehensive list of schools that offer the degree you’re looking for. You can also speak with faculty members or currently enrolled students to get a feel for what the program will be like. Remember, both traditional and online degree programs exist.
Technology plays a vital role in our future and technology education is critically important. Gilbert Valdez, Ph.D., director of North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium and co-director of North Central Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Consortium (NCEMSC) observes that “100 high-tech executives met with President Bush to discuss the future of technology: They indicated that improving mathematics and science education ranked next to national security.” Technology integration specialists, teachers, directors of technology, and others with educational technology degrees will be the ones who prepare 21st-century students for a digital world.

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