brainstorming for topics – articles that could be written for brochure/book¶
this list is made for giving you .-._.-inspiration*-._.-*, it is not a to do list!
be creative, the more colurful and different the articles and texts, comics and pictures, drawings and skillsurfers fairy tales (…whatever…) will be, the more nice will be this brochure!
we can have sad, political texts as well as satirical texts about dumpster diving in bear costumes or whatever ;)
…have fun!…
- interesting projects we visited
- critical view on projects e.g.
- tamera
- beneficio
- about workshops we had
- how to make a …
- about a good book you read while travelling
- about an interesting conversation you had while travelling
- ecology today, life in cities, blabla…
- capitalism and consume critics, recycling, dumpster diving
- Almeria food destruction →Sam
- natural healing →ask Peter, Sam, Anna
- permaculture →Anja wrote somthing already
- hitchhiking vs flying →ask Henrik, Anna, other…
- selforganised learning <→ brainwashing in institutions →ask Binja for texts and stuff
- nomadic life and learning →ask Binja for texts and stuff
- popular education – definition and methods →ask Binja for texts and stuff
- students protests in barcelona, bolonia politics
→ ask Manel, Darta, Ieva, Andi, other people we met there, the German guy I h’hiked with
- couchsurfing and other travellers networks, chances how they could change the world ;-)
→carlos of the flat of aviva
- migrobirdo →ask Mandus
- living in communities <→ living as an individual →Anja wrote somthing already
- methods for group organisation
- incl digital evolution tools
- nonviolent communication
- radical therapy
- “free love” / polyamoury →ask Bryan
- spirituality <→ religions
- rainbow and what it means → Henrik, caity, kitty,…
- Marocco and society there →ask Mandus, Anna, Jaqueline, Laura, Henrik
- Europe and immigration →read book of LongoMai and write about it