Sorry, if I’m repeating this question. |
I’m also experiencing this same problem, and another similar. Private messages yet read, still showing as ‘not read’. |
Tezcatl: I think you could mark private messages “read” by cliquing on them on your private message list Karen : In your inbox, you have a checkbox for each message. You just have to check the ones you want to be removed and then find and clique the link “Remove from inbox” at the bottom of the list |
Inbox shows only “pages”, I think. Received messages are not shown. I realized that I can delete my sent messages, by clicking on the pencil in order to “edit” them, then I can delete. Sorry for bad english, I’ll try explain my perception: thanks |
Depending on the type of application you are using, you may be able to recover messages, sometimes I can’t even recover messages while posting on the forum, which makes duck life very sad. |