Why in the crabgrass no e-mail notifications?

I, together with other activists on several occasions tried to work on projects in crapgrass. Nevertheless, all these initiatives have not resulted in success, as people gradually ceased to come in and check crapgrass update of the working groups. I think e-mail notification would allow much more effective use of such a useful service as crapgrass.

you should be careful to sound nice when posting questions, especially critical ones. sounding like a douche won’t make anyone want to help you.

crabgrass can send email notifications, provided users give a valid email address. not everyone wants to give an email address, for various reasons, so crabgrass doesn’t require one. maybe someone else will tell you how.


Sorry, my English is not as good as i want. It is a reason of “bad sound” of my questions. I think grabgrass is wounder project and i would like to use it in full force and effect.


No problem, and I’m sorry if I sounded harsh in my prior comment.

For other interested readers, here are instructions on sharing pages through email. I’ve copied it from a separate discussion with Bidi, where they said they would translate it into Russian. :)

Other translators are invited to post it in their languages, as well.

Sure. I see from your profile (https://we.riseup.net/copylefter) that crabgrass knows your email address (copylefter@riseup.net). So on the right sidebar, the link “Share Personal Message” (or “Share Page” on other page types) has a way to email you.

Pick the people you want to email (from that difficult-to-use interface at the top of the pop-up), and then be sure to click “send email notification”, and if they have told crabgrass their email address, it will send them the message.



Hi Bidi,

I do not read russian, so I am not sure what that page says… but its a very nice looking page!

Can you let us know what it is?


It is illustrated FAQ about e-mail notifications in crabgrass.


wow, this is really great! we dont even have this in english yet!


I can translate it into English.


Here it is in English: we.riseup.net/users/e-mail-notification...
Unfortunately English is not my mother tongue, so please correct any error there.