Broadsheet Title Poll

Rate each of many options for a title for the broadsheet!
  • Shalefields Grassroots Examiner
     — jessica_mcp and aed
     — patrickjamesyoung and bfiorillo
  • Shalefields Grassroots Sentinal
     — jessica_mcp
     — patrickjamesyoung and aed
     — bfiorillo
  • Shalefields Grassroots Beacon
     — jessica_mcp and aed
     — patrickjamesyoung and bfiorillo
  • Shalefields Grassroots Guardian
     — jessica_mcp, patrickjamesyoung, and aed
     — bfiorillo
  • Shalefields Grassroots Herald
     — jessica_mcp, patrickjamesyoung, aed, and bfiorillo
  • Shalefields Grassroots Chronicle
     — bfiorillo
     — jessica_mcp, patrickjamesyoung, and aed
  • Shalefields Grassroots Reporter
     — jessica_mcp, aed, and bfiorillo
     — patrickjamesyoung
  • Shalefields Grassroots Observer
     — jessica_mcp, patrickjamesyoung, aed, and bfiorillo
  • Shalefields Grassroots Inquirer
     — jessica_mcp, patrickjamesyoung, and aed
     — bfiorillo
  • The Marcellus Times
     — patrickjamesyoung
     — jessica_mcp and aed
     — bfiorillo
  • Shalefields Reporter
     — jessica_mcp, patrickjamesyoung, aed, and bfiorillo
  • The Shale Report
     — jessica_mcp, patrickjamesyoung, and aed
     — bfiorillo
  • Pennsylvania Under Siege
     — aed
     — jessica_mcp, patrickjamesyoung, and bfiorillo
  • Shale Country Report

    (this is playing off an industry website – I don’t know which one though)

     — patrickjamesyoung and bfiorillo
     — jessica_mcp and aed
  • Shalefields Chronicle
     — bfiorillo

A couple explanation points. Nigel suggested that perhaps we would want to name the paper the same as the media project, which is now “shalefields grassroots media.” Then he researched newspaper names. So there are a lot of “shalefields grassroots” options. We picked “shalefields” rather than “marcellus” because we ultimately did not want to limit our coverage to Marcellus when Utica development, etc., might be on the way. I also tried to add all the other suggestions I’ve heard from other people. In no particular order.


Just threw in Shalefields Chronicle. I like the sound of chronicle right now, but maybe its b/c reporter has been in my head too long.