About Dragora

This is the basic about page for the Dragora wiki. It contains info taken mostly from the web site http://www.dragora.org/en/index.html and irc channel discussions
  1. Polices ##############
    Dragora: Policys
    The “preferred licenses” are those compatibles with free software values
    Light and simple:
    It seems key that Dragora be light. No real heavy depends.

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Security updates:
Packages are monitored on channels like
When Dragora packages require updating they are rebuilt and get signed off by selk.
The procedure for informing the users is via monitoring the mailing list.
and irc channel in the topic section (top of the page)
Upgrades #002: mirror.fsf.org/dragora/dragora-2.2/Chan...
when we are done with the security updates it would be #003

  1. added to wiki under about ##

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Getting upgrades for 32bit
This will fetch all upgraded packages in the 32b directory
wget -r —no-parent —reject “index.html*” mirror.fsf.org/dragora/dragora-2.2/upgr...
Edit the path for your system and software needs

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To upgrade those packages cd into directory with the upgrades


cd ~/dragora-built-packages/upgrades/mirror.fsf.org/dragora/dragora-2.2/upgrades/packages/32b/

and as root run # pkg upgrade packagename1 packagename2 packagename3 packagename4 etc

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