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These are intense weeks in Barcelona and for this it took us a bit of time to formulate a proposal to the KLF for meeting in September. Our proposal is to hold the meeting of the KLF on the 16-18 of September in Barcelona in concomitance with the a broader euromediterranean meeting to discuss about the Autumn starting from the mobilisations of the 15Oct.
We propose to build together a common space for euromediterranean social movements in September where to share info on mobilisations and to prepare an interconnected agenda for the struggles of Autumn. To the KLF we want to propose an agenda for Friday 16 and Saturday 17 of September, following from the discussion in Paris, to keep developing our common projects on autonomous and radical knowledge and against the austerity. Here goes a first proposal and the link to the Crabgrass group where we are starting to discuss the xdefinition of the programme for the KLF-Meeting
More in general, from Barcelona we are trying to contact different networks in Europe and the North of Africa to propose to participate in this HubMeeting. Aside of common discussions, we are offering the possibility to hold here in Barcelona autonomous meetings on the same days.
We can offer logistic and support for networks that want to converge in Barcelona from the 15 of September to the 18 of September.
For this is important to let us know at your participation and the will of holding meetings, workshops etc.
KLF Meeting
Following from the Paris meeting, we propose to have two different session for working – first, parallel meetings of the different groups emerged in Paris and in the following months (i can think about KAFKA-Fanzine, Website, Tunisian meeting, and we can go on adding an abstract for each group in the crabgrass). Second a general session in which each group could report back to the general meeting and in which we could discuss about the common action of the KLF and the next meeting that possibly will be hold in Tunis.
PLEASE NOTE: DRY-Bcn can take charge of the logistic of this meeting (rooms, sleeping, possibly translations), but the organization of discussions, materials etc needs to be assumed by the KLF and worked out in the next weeks. We propose to use the space of the Crabgrass to discuss
1. Workshops
2. Agenda of the General Meeting
For Meeting Logistics, please refer to the logistic group on
Hub Meeting
The Hub Meeting is being organized in this online group
We just add down the call for the meeting. If you want to participate, please inscribe yourself on the network to work together.
Finally we want to warmly invite you to participate. This Spring has been emotioning and inspiring but we think the Autumn to come will be a crucial moment for building grassroots mobilizations able to hack power and to start the construction of new forms of radical and autonomous social organization. In the same spirit that lead us in Paris we want to materially affirm and show everybody that the struggles in the North of Africa, in the Middle East and in Europe are the same struggle: against austerity and for taking our power back.
For this meeting, discussing, and collaborating through out our differences is crucial and this is why we want to open a space of discussion where convergence doesnt mean ‘unification’ but ‘dialogue, alliance’ in a struggle against common enemies and to take back what is our!
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