NFLA publishes ‘Spinwatch’ report on nuclear subsidies on its website - press release

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Updated by Dan V 2012-05-30

NFLA wrote:

I attach a media release and the briefing document – NFLA New Nuclear Monitor 28 (uploaded separately) – on a report by the NFLA Policy Advisor outlining the direct and indirect public subsidies that are expected to be published by the Government shortly to Parliament in its draft electricity market reforms energy paper. The report was developed on the request of the independent media watchdog ‘Spinwatch’. The 2010 UK Government Coalition Agreement was for no public subsidies for new nuclear power.

Both documents will be going on the NFLA website today.

Yours sincerely,
Sean Morris
NFLA Secretary

Nuclear Free Local Authorities (NFLA) Secretariat, c/o Manchester City Council, City Policy Team, PO Box 532, Manchester M60 2LA
Tel: 44 (0)161 234 3244 Fax: 44 (0)161 274 7397 Blackberry Mobile: 44 (0)7771 930196 NFLA Website: