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We are a Pagan activist organization acting on our shared Pagan ethics & our mutual interest in ending corporate greed protected by corrupt government & the destruction that greed brings to all Nature & all Beings. We & this group exist to coordinate our efforts in the struggle for Mother Earth & all Her Children.
This group is intended to be a place where we can have our own on-line collaborative forum to help us to create together & keep these creations in the safe space here internal to our group until they ready to be birthed into life in the public if such is appropriate. ;) All members have full read/write access to the pages posted here. :)
Please post your own content in the appropriate Wiki pages for the type of content you wish to post, edit, comment, discuss, add relevant content to the Wiki. No topics are off-limits for discussion, I only ask that the discussion itself stay on topic about the creation under-way, & not about its creator
~No Ad hominem tirades please. Principals before people & love should always rule our passions. ;)
That said, I also would like to draw your attention to the top right of the Wiki page where the “star” option is. At any point in the creative process if you feel that the work is done to your satisfaction (unless requested to hold until completion), or has arrived at the goal for which it was began, please don’t forget to add your “star” to the page… It’s kind of like “liking” something on FB except something substantial actually will happen from it. :D lol
Further tutorial info for how this Crabgrass software functions can be found by exploring the following link:
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