1Calendar top pickfirst choice of kardan, azul
enter coming events and tag them to easily (un)hide (un)wanted infos
2skill database
- insert my skills
- see, who skills i’m looking for
- automaticalle get informed when a questions appears that matches my skills (watch list for themes)
3interest databasefirst choice of niklas
- people have give to each theme on a list a number from 0 to 5 (or 10)
- news items like news, events or skills will automatically appear on my desk if the given number is reached
4multilingual version managementproblem:first choice of olga
- after a text got translated as whole just one paragraph gets changed.
- now this paragraphs has to be updated in all languages
- the text contains multiple invisivle marks to connect sentence parts to each other
- so it should be easy to see, which text parts got changed and have to be updated
for more see: wiki.tsolife.org/Praktische_Umsetzung_u...
5task & tour plan
- people write down their interests and what they want to learn (to-learn-list)
- events with matching tags will automatically selected
- people choose events, they want to take part
- feedback: what did i learn (for me and the organizer)
- update my list > do I want to learn more of that?
- am i able to share my new skills > be a possible organizer myself
6real / short time translationto lower language barriers, new text should be translated (in shorter time)
- there should a pool of possible translators
- possible translators get info about new text that has to be translated
- people who only speak one language get informed, when a translation is done
7news system
- automatically collect news from the web (mailinglists, rss) and sort them (tags and themes)
- thos who read the news correct the tags automatically added and move them to other ressorts if necessary
- value the importance of a message so people only see messages that match their interest level
7Community-based Multi-Level Collaborativ Filtering
- people set their interests (which works as filter to promote my interests und hide others)
- people trust others and mark them as friends
- my friend’s interests also affect my own view in that way, their most important items are also shown form me see: wiki.tsolife.org/Polyidentit%C3%A4ten_u... (de)
to hide my person as hole I can insert multiple interests as different persons. friends a manually add may see my profiles as one
see also: wiki.tsolife.org/Polyidentit%C3%A4ten_u... (de) -
8continuous meta-trainings
many people dont know how to do something (wiki use, offer workshops) or they are not confidently enogh to do so. this could be solved by adding hints at multiple places (“how to do this”) – just few lines to not flood and easy to understand. and user marks like “i want to train sb in this” to designate them as contact persons.
more infos about Empowerment: wiki.tsolife.org/Erg%C3%A4nzendes_Proto... -
9group management
- combine special interests to group profiles, so i won’t have to check all the interests myself, but just add me to a group
1Calendar top pick
2skill database
3interest database
4multilingual version management
5task & tour plan
6real / short time translation
7news system
7Community-based Multi-Level Collaborativ Filtering
8continuous meta-trainings
9group management