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Workshops suggestions

I’d really be interested in workshops relating to eco building/DIY/self sufficiency
in terms of housing and everyday life. I realise this is pretty broad and I’m afraid
I don’t know anyone who could give such workshops, but it’d be great to get some
skill swaps/workshops going to teach people new and practical skills.

i’m a herbalist, i came to drax and helped out with welbeing doing
massage… only thing is i am still not sure if i can make it this year
yet, but even if i can’t come i wanted to propose a herbal workshop, if
you don’t already have someone doing this?

if i can make it to the camp i would like to run a herbal medicine
workshop and herb walk… but won’t know if i can make it for a few
weeks… i saw the deadline was for the 12th, so if i know by then i
will submit my workshop, if not, just wanted to suggest it anyway… i
would need to ask around, but i know several other herbalists in the
london area, so i might be able to find someone else if i can’t come…
are you interested, do you have any herbalists yet?

hello – I’d like to suggest a workshop on the subject of police informers.
I’m not sure exactly how or who, but it’s a real part of our movement and
some people sharing their experiences and a discussion of what support
systems are in place would be really valuable.

I would love to see some junk samba workshops, making a samba band with
industrial rubbish. I know some people who are excellent at running them
and it can be completely child friendly. And we all know that a samba band
makes a protest!

I think it’d be really good if there were a workshop in media training for
activists. Might help those of us who aren’t in London get more involved with the
media team.

hello!i’m sure there already is but i would love to see a workshop on
veganism this year, as last year it taught me to be vegan.

hey there

i have 2 ideas for workshop proposals for the summer camp

1) in the run up to the g20 – we had a day long seminar on all the problems with
carbon trading, with Oscar Reyes from Carbon Trade watch, Larry Lohmann from the
Cornerhouse, Jutta Kill from FERN and TIm Jones from WDM. I think we should re-run
these workshops as a day block during the camp.

2) The Sustainable Development Commission recently put out a really good report
called ‘Prosperity Without Growth’ that gives a very respectable and credible veneer
to a lot of our key meessaging abtu the impossibility of dealing with climate change
in an economy that is continuously dedicated to pursuing growth. I think we should
invite the author, Professor Tim Jackson to come and take part in some sort of
plenary panel or something

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