Corruption of Governance – Update No 2 - May 2012

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Updated by Dan V 2012-05-11

You can download the Corruption of Governance report here:

Message from Ron Bailey:

Dear Colleagues

I hope you have all see the Corruption of Governance report that myself and Lotte Blair wrote. It showed how Ministers and MPs were given false information regarding the alleged need for new nuclear power.

I now enclose two updates. No 1 shows how Ministers have been given false information to send out to members of the public who have raised this issue with them. No 2 shows how current DECC information shows that the facts given to MPs in EN-1 were false.

Things are moving on – there is turmoil in DECC over this report, so can I please ask you to keep up the pressure and redouble your lobbying efforts and contact the

(i) Chair of the Environmental Audit Committee, Joan Walley MP (House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA or asking her to get her Committee to investigate this matter.

(ii) Your own MP asking him/her to raise this in Parliament. Please do this even if you have written already – as we need to keep up the pressure. Remember – they want you to go away. Don’t give them what they want – keep on at them.

(iii) Energy Minister Greg Barker, asking him to look into this matter. I believe Greg to be an honourable man who may be very perturbed at what has gone on.

If you require further information – or if you have any information (replies to earlier letters etc) please do contact me. Thank you.

Ron Bailey

PS please do feel free to forward this to all your contacts. Thanks – Ron