Public Wiki

Hi! Welcome to the Riseup! non commercial paradigm/free sharing Permaculture/Forest Garden/Farming forum.

Permaculture combines three key aspects:

1. an ethical framework

2. understandings of how nature works, and

3. a design approach

This unique combination is then used to support the creation of sustainable, agriculturally productive, non-polluting and healthy settlements. In many places this means adapting our existing settlements. In other cases it can mean starting from scratch. Both offer interesting challenges and opportunities.

The word ‘permaculture’ comes from ‘permanent agriculture’ and ‘permanent culture’ – it is about living lightly on the planet, and making sure that we can sustain human activities for many generations to come, in harmony with nature. Permanence is not about everything staying the same. Its about stability, about deepening soils and cleaner water, thriving communities in self-reliant regions, biodiverse agriculture and social justice, peace and abundance.

One thing is for sure. Its a fascinating subject, with many aspects, and its still evolving. In this section of the website we present more details about the different aspects of permaculture, and examples of how it is being used in Britain and around the world.

The aim of this group:

…Is to provide an info exchange forum for non commercial/free sharing/pro indigenous people tribal give away paradigm type forest gardening etc interested/active people/groups particularly in a ‘cool temperate’ type climate. Unlike a lot of FG type forums this is planned to be quite a hippy type forum…exploring the boundaries (or lack of them) in the field – hence the research/material on cannabis in the mix for example; However the principles of garden design should also grounded in evidence and science – rather than mere guesswork/k00kery. There is also room here for related Mother Earth subjects.

Sticky pages:

Photos of the Agroforestry Research Trust project in Devon Photos of the Agroforestry Research Trust project in Devon

Photos of Bender Tent construction Photos of Bender Tent construction

Photos, location map and planting plan of an Experimental Food/Useful Woodland Pasture/Meadow in East Sussex Photos and planting plan of an Experimental Useful Woodland Pasture/Meadow in East Sussex

How to grow outdoor cannabis for use in ritual/magic in the UK type climate How to grow organic (including veganic) outdoor cannabis for use in ritual and magic, including alchemy (micro and macro), in the UK type climate

Group Links (add to these if you want, make sure they are added in alphebatical order): LINKS Forest Gardening/Farming/Nut Growing etc

Group reading list (add to this is you want): READING LIST Forest Gardening/Farming/Nut Growing etc

PLEASE NOTE: Although the pages are all set to ‘public’, currently you will need to become a member of to view the photos and possibly some other files – but not the text on the pages. Go on, its worth it :)

Recent Pages Create Page »

Title Updated
La tercera revolución verde geneharberl Tuesday
Photos of traditional agriculture in Kullu and Manali, Indian Himalayas lilyco9x Sep 21
Photos of plant species patterning in Native English Greenwood michaelarrington Sep 11
Essay - Analysis of the UK's traditional 'coniferisation policy', with special reference to state (Forestry Commission) forest ownership timothyferriss Sep 11
COLECCIÓN PERMACULTURA (from Don Escoria Humana) preferhack Aug 22
Latest Photos of Food Wood Pasture in East Sussex (2010 onwards) preferhack Aug 22
El concepto de la resiliencia preferhack Aug 21
Coniferisation helendam Aug 12
Photos of Keralan forest gardens jainamrita Aug 01
Photos - The English Greenwood jennyhaha Jul 24
Photos of the forests and meadows of Manali, Himalaya jennyhaha Jul 24
ANNOUNCMENT!!! NEW: North West Wales Free Exchange Network Permaculture Forum savannah Jul 12
Simple software to help start local permaculture actions preferhack Jun 26
Photos of traditional agriculture etc Spiti Valley, Himalayas lilyco9x Jun 20
Essay - growing nut trees in the field and wild helendam May 21
Mother Earth Music christophermartin Apr 03
READING LIST Forest Gardening/Farming/Nut Growing etc sheriyar Apr 02
LINKS Forest Gardening/Farming/Nut Growing etc sarahlisa Jan 11
Earthship Disaster Relief for the People of Haiti. 2023-12-31
rooftop savannah 2023-12-26
Opting out of Junk Mail (UK) 2023-11-18