Public Wiki

Welcome to the Notts Independent Media Centre. We use this space to organise as an alternative to and in addition to physical meetings.

About Indymedia
Indymedia is an independent media network that aims to facilitate the creation of free media and communication. Indymedia covers stories that you won’t find in the corporate media. Check out the site for the latest or help create YOUR local media by publishing your news.

Nottingham Indymedia is a local collective that works as part of the Indymedia Network and covers the East Midlands area.

Our content is aggregated along with other radical media from across the UK at Be the Media.


Recent Pages Create Page »

Title Updated
What's up with Nottinghamshire Police? 2024-10-02
Students strike at NCN High Pavement nellyaurora 2024-05-23
Activists mark Zoo Awareness Weekend worner347 2023-12-07
Nottingham remembers the Poll Tax colleenauthement 2023-11-18
Nottingham Critical Mass is on the move 2022-12-12
April Fools Day feature lolliessight 2022-12-02
Nottingham homelessness charity involved in Workfare 2021-07-06
Indymedia Stickers 2019-08-05
Review 2013 potemkinvillager 2014-01-01
Notes from June meeting behindthemask 2013-06-18
Upsurge in far right activity follows Rigby murder behindthemask 2013-06-11
Another controversial May Day in Nottingham behindthemask 2013-05-07
BNP suffers heavy losses across East Mids behindthemask 2013-05-05
User survey behindthemask 2013-04-20
Minutes 15-04-13 behindthemask 2013-04-16
Nottingham reacts to Thatcher's death behindthemask 2013-04-09
Shakedown is back! behindthemask 2013-03-21
Notts Says Stop the Bedroom Tax behindthemask 2013-03-19
Riseup! Radio Returns lettersfrom 2013-03-13
Agenda 18-03-13 behindthemask 2013-03-11
Nottingham Indymedia is relaunching behindthemask 2013-02-23
Possible images for relaunch feature lettersfrom 2013-02-22
Review of 2012 potemkinvillager 2013-01-01
Climate protesters occupy power station potemkinvillager 2012-11-03
Anti-McDonalds protests mark day of action behindthemask 2012-10-17
Workfare walk of shame behindthemask 2012-10-01
Protests against logging in Lenton behindthemask 2012-08-05
Hunger strike at Morton Hall immigration centre behindthemask 2012-07-25
Police fabricated evidence against terror suspect behindthemask 2012-07-23
No to G4S in Nottingham behindthemask 2012-07-16